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Last active October 30, 2019 01:42
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Save ryanflorence/6833014 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Comparing an avatar implementation with angular and ember.
// Because people can't seem to find the gist description, here is the source
// of this code, a post found in last weeks JS Weekly, it is not my code
angular.module('ui-multi-gravatar', [])
.directive('multiAvatar', ['md5', function (md5) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link:function(scope, element, attrs) {
var facebookId = attrs.facebookId;
var githubUsername = attrs.githubUsername;
var email =;
var tag = '';
if ((facebookId !== null) && (facebookId !== undefined) && (facebookId !== '')) {
tag = '<img src="' + facebookId + '/picture?width=200&height=200" class="img-responsive"/>'
} else if ((githubUsername !== null) && (githubUsername !== undefined) && (githubUsername !== '')){
tag = '<img src="' + githubUsername + '.png" style="width:200px; height:200px" class="img-responsive"/>';
} else {
var hash = ""
if ((email !== null) && (email !== undefined) && (email !== '')){
var hash = md5.createHash(email.toLowerCase());
var src = '' + hash + '?s=200&d=mm'
tag = '<img src=' + src + ' class="img-responsive"/>'
App.XAvatarComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: 'img',
classNames: 'img-responsive',
width: 200,
height: 200,
service: 'gravatar',
src: function() {
return this[this.get('service')+'Url']();
}.property('service', 'user'),
facebookUrl: function() {
return '' + this.get('user') + '/picture?type=large';
githubUrl: function() {
return '' + this.get('user') + '.png'
gravatarUrl: function() {
var hash = md5.createHash(this.get('user').toLowerCase());
return '' + hash + '?s=200&d=mm';
<multi-avatar data-facebook-id="717976707"/>
<multi-avatar data-github-username="jwo"/>
<multi-avatar data-email=""/>
{{x-avatar service="github" user="rpflorence" width=50 height=50}}
{{x-avatar service="facebook" user="717976707"}}
{{x-avatar user=""}}
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@angus-c yeah, that's what I did with MooTools and then Backbone for several years. Bound templates + components is way better. And once you get over the declarative template hump, hopping into other's code and figuring out how it all works is ridiculously more obvious.

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App = Ember.Application.create();

App.XAvatarComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
  tagName: 'img',
  classNames: 'img-responsive',
  attributeBindings: 'width height src'.w(),
  width: 100,
  height: 100,
  service: 'gravatar',

  src: function() {
    return this[this.get('service')](this.get('user'));

  facebook: function(user) {
    return '' + user + '/picture?type=large';

  github: function(user) {
    return '' + user + '.png';

  gravatar: function(user) {
    return '' + CryptoJS.MD5(user.toLowerCase()) + '?s=200&d=mm';

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I see it is not your code, and that you don't use Angular, which is why I am confused about why you'd try to provide a comparison. I can assure you if I wrote a feature in both Angular and Ember, the Ember code would be crap because I don't know/use it. Because of that, I simply wouldn't write the comparison.

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@bclinkinbeard I have a pretty deep understanding of angular and have built a few (admittedly trivial) apps with it. And, again, I didn't write that angular code, it was taken wholesale from a popular blog post featured in JS Weekly.

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mgol commented Oct 8, 2013

@RyanHirsch @rpflorence It's not just Angular, '' is interpreted as '' by HTML5 browsers; the slash is stripped. That's why the above example is incorrect.

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Thinking about this more (unfortunately), the problem with the original Angular code isn't really a lack of idiomatic-ness. Sure, accessing the attrs directly instead of properly defining a child scope is less than ideal, but the biggest problem is the multi level conditional spaghetti. Breaking that out into a set of clean *Url functions isn't an Angular or Ember best practice/idiom, it's just fundamental code organization.

If you took the original Ember code and removed the separate service parameter and stuffed the *Url functions into src and navigated them with nothing but conditionals it would be shitty code too. I realize the Angular code was apparently linked from a popular newsletter, but it's still fundamentally bad code IMO. Not bad Angular code, just plain old, regular bad code.

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malsup commented Oct 9, 2013

JS Weekly. LOL.

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@bclinkinbeard for background, a friend said "how would you do that in ember" so I did it, made the gist and then the fun began. Here's my original tweet: I did not intend to say this is a valid or fair comparison, I was just answering a question for a friend. People take these things way too seriously. Both frameworks are great and arrive at nearly identical usage syntax <component attr=value>, {{#component attr=value}}.

I think there is value in considering the APIs the two frameworks give you for people picking one.

Most angular APIs just give you a single function hook to fill in and possibly return from (controllers, link, module, service), so people tend to drop everything into it because angular doesn't prescribe how to structure the code inside the hook. Makes getting started super easy.

Ember requires you to extend its objects (controller, component, route), which means you provide an object literal to your new constructor definition, rather than fill in a function body and return from it, so people tend to write methods because they didn't have to decide how to structure their modules.

I won't claim one is better, I just know which one I prefer.

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Nice gist! I know which one I choose/use :)

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polotek commented Oct 11, 2013

@rpflorence I'm pretty sure I'm the one that screwed you here. I tweeted this as a "comparison" of ember and angular.

I didn't read the gist description and screwed up the context for everybody. Sorry.

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