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ryanflorence / Human.js
Created May 9, 2010 03:36
Abstract MooTools Class Basics
var Human = new Class({
initialize: function(name, age){ = name;
this.age = age;
isAlive: true,
energy: 1,
eat: function(){;
var Loop = new Class({
loopCount: 0,
isStopped: true,
isLooping: false,
loopMethod: $empty,
setLoop: function(fn, delay){
if(this.isLooping) {
ryanflorence / Tab.js
Created May 10, 2010 20:49
Sample Tab Class for use with moo4q
var Tabs = new Class({
Implements: [Options, Events],
options: {
nav: '.nav',
content: '.section',
currentClass: 'current'
var Person = new Class({
Implements: Options,
options: {
height: 'tall',
weight: 'fat'
jQuery: 'person', // must be after options definition
// regular javascript api
var bob = new Person('#dude',{ height: 'short' });'salsa'); // dances the salsa and returns bob
bob.awesome; // returns true
bob.awesome = false; // set the property to something else
// jQuery api
$('#bob').person({ height: 'short' }); // instantiate with options
$('#bob').person(); // returns the class instance since it's already been instantiated
// or in other words, returns and object like `bob` from above
var Human = new Class({
initialize: function(name, age){ = name;
this.age = age;
isAlive: true,
energy: 1,
eat: function(){;
var Warrior = new Class({
energy: 100,
kills: 0,
attack: function(target){
if ( <{
target.isAlive = false;
} = - 5;
var Ninja = new Class({
Extends: Human,
Implements: [Warrior],
initialize: function(side, name, age){
this.side = side;
this.parent(name, age);
var blackNinja = new Ninja('evil', 'Nin Tendo', 'unknown');
var Samurai = new Class({
Extends: Human,
Implements: [Warrior],
side: 'good',
energy: 1000
// assuming #jack is an element
// and our samurai class takes
// a jQuery selector for the first
// argument in the initialize method
// instantiate a class instance
$('#jack').samurai(); // new Samurai('#jack')
// call a method
$('#jack').samurai('eat') //
// get a property