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Last active September 15, 2022 20:49
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object GitHubApiCaller {
private val client = OkHttpClient()
private var cachedLeadResults =
mutableMapOf<String, Contributor>()
private val mapper = jacksonObjectMapper()
* Invokes Github API and looks for a match based on inpit `name`
fun getKotlinContributor(name: String): Contributor {
val cachedLeadResult = cachedLeadResults[name]
if (cachedLeadResult != null) {
LOG.debug("return cached: $cachedLeadResult")
return cachedLeadResult
val request = Request.Builder().url(ENDPOINT).build()
val response = client.newCall(request).execute()
val responseAsString = response.use {
val responseBytes = it.body()?.source()?.readByteArray()
if (responseBytes != null) {
} else throw IllegalStateException("No response from server!")
LOG.debug("response from git api: $responseAsString\n")
val contributors =
val match = contributors.first { it.login == name }
this.cachedLeadResults[name] = match
LOG.debug("found kotlin contributor: $match")
return match
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