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Last active September 29, 2016 07:45
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bitrix. prev and next link
$cp = $this->__component; // объект компонента
if (is_object($cp)) {
$cp->arResult['NAV_RESULT'] = $arResult['NAV_RESULT'];
$page = $arParams['PATH_URL'];
$prevPage = $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->NavPageNomer - 1;
$nextPage = $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->NavPageNomer + 1;
$NavNum = $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->NavNum;
// Сформируем чистый урл
$aGetNew = array();
foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
if($key=='sort') $aGetNew['sort'] = $value;
if(stripos($key, 'PAGEN_')===0) $aGetNew[$key] = $value;
if($arResult['NAV_RESULT']->NavPageNomer > 1){
$aGetNew['PAGEN_'.$NavNum] = $prevPage;
$prevLink = $page.'?'.http_build_query($aGetNew,'','&amp;');
$APPLICATION->AddHeadString('<link rel="prev" href="http://'.SITE_SERVER_NAME.$prevLink.'">',true);
if($arResult['NAV_RESULT']->NavPageNomer < $arResult['NAV_RESULT']->NavPageCount){
$aGetNew['PAGEN_'.$NavNum] = $nextPage;
$nextLink = $page.'?'.http_build_query($aGetNew,'','&amp;');
$APPLICATION->AddHeadString('<link rel="next" href="http://'.SITE_SERVER_NAME.$nextLink.'">',true);
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