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Last active November 23, 2022 09:50
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Zsh settings
export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[01;31m' # begin blinking
export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\E[01;38;5;74m' # begin bold
export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E[0m' # end mode
export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\E[0m' # end standout-mode
export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\E[38;5;246m' # begin standout-mode - info box
export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[0m' # end underline
export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[04;38;5;146m' # begin underline
alias zshconfig="subl ~/.zshrc"
alias ohmyzsh="subl ~/.oh-my-zsh"
plugins=(brew cake colorize coffee web-search encode64 gem git osx rails rvm sublime ruby github node npm zsh-syntax-highlighting vagrant colored-man)
source $ZSH/
export PATH=/opt/vagrant/bin:/Applications/$HOME/.rvm/bin:/$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:/usr/X11/bin:$PATH
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openbakk commented Sep 7, 2022

Perfect considerations. My page:

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