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Last active January 28, 2019 14:21
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Werewolf nWoD 2.0 rules adjustment

Cool stuff in the new 2.0 rules

  • The pack is far more in focus, with Wolfblooded and other "pack members" (allies, contacts, etc) having a more important role.

  • Each of the five shapeshift forms now has a unique role to play, and unique advantages. Social skills are no longer penalised.

  • Primal Urge is more meaningful and ties in better with the Spirit/Werewolf side.

  • Gifts are very cool and it’s easier to pick the ones you like. They are tied to your Renown now as well, giving each character more flavour.



  • grab all triggers, and give bonus to Common/penalties to Specific ones?

  • should all werewolves have the same triggers, or should there be some variation?

Additional Checks

  • All triggers at once might be a bit too many? Or do you mean all triggers of the chosen set, with +/- 2 on specific/common ones? that might work, but how does harmony then play into it?

  • Kritischer Erfolg im Angriff: Kommt seltener vor (höhere Defence), aber gerade in Gauru durchaus denkbar.

  • 5+/6+ Schaden erhalten von einem Angriff: Kann öfter vorkommen im neuen system? Zu arg? Last health box checked with lethal might still be one? Oder einfach critical success für Gegner?

  • Packmates Down (filled with lethal damage). Similar, but not identical with Pack trigger.

  • how about a penalty per Harmony? 5: 0, 6-7: -1, 8-9: -2, 10: -3 (und radialsymetrisch)?

  • Personal trigger: hat eigentlich schon was; evtl. die ganz krassen etwas abschwächen.

Personal Triggers muss man max einmal pro Nacht resisten (steht so beiläufig im schwarzen Kasten)!

--→ Vorschlag: Persönliche Trigger lassen, alle aktiv mit Bonus/Abzug; general Triggers erweitern. Harmony-Einfluss: General Triggers? Eventuell die Trigger aus dem alten Werewolf wieder übernehmen, die hatten auch Bezug zur Harmony?


Touchstones are wonderful plot hooks and opportunities for meaningful interactions with the game world. We’ll easily be time constrained if we have two per player, though.

All players start with the same Totem/Wild als spiritual Touchstone. Physical Touchstones are chosen individually for each character.

Breaking points

We’d like to increase the number of Breaking Points. The idea in Book seems to be that anything drawing you to spiritual side is BP towards Spirit, anything drawing to physical side is BP towards flesh.

However, most rolls seem to be based on denying the other side; what if fulfilling one were also a Breaking Point? Extensive Gift usage a Breaking Point towards spirit, mundane solutions using advanced tools towards flesh, the apex of a challenging Siskur-Dah towards spirit, a night out with the boys towards flesh? Probably this shouldn’t be hard-coded as that would be an endless list and lots of bookkeeping, but if we keep an eye on it during play?

There is also a paragraph on personal Breaking Points which sounds promising, but will we manage to implement them?


Ignore and apply common sense where applicable. Some Gifts/effects/etc will need additional rules. These are listed here.

  • Lunacy Conditions

  • Lash out Aura

  • Hunter’s Aspect

Converting your character

Attributes, Skills, and Renown

These stay unchanged.


Generally these stay unchanged. Merits might need to be updated to the new version (especially Fighting Styles), see the nWoD2.0 Rules Update for a full list of Merits. Talk to your GM to find a meaningful conversion if dots change by a lot, or if the benefit changed substantially.


Tally your Gifts. Check which Giftlists you have activated, and note these down. Then, pick the same number of Facets that you had from any or all of the Giftlists you had activated. Note that you cannot activate a Facet if you do not have the corresponding Renown.


Every character now starts with two dots to buy Rites with. Pick the ones you want.

If you had Rite dots before, convert these into Gifts of your Affinity Giftlists. Convert the Rites' ratings you had into an equal amount of new Rites.

Talk to your GM if you if you want to change some things around. There is no "the only Ritemaster of the pack" in 2.0, so your character concept might need some tuning.


Start at a Harmony "away from five" (any direction) the same distance you are "away from seven" in the old system. Discuss with your GM if you’d like to change this. We assume people will make reasonable choices based on character background.


Leave it as it is for now. Maybe we will run a totem-focused story at some future point; we can discuss conversion then.

New stuff

You have 10(?) points to spend on new Merits, Father Wolf Gifts, and/or Rites. This is to compensate for the generally cheaper advancement, and because these offer cool new ways to customise your werewolf in the new system. Especially check out the new Merits for Tribe and Auspice specific Merits and Rites, and the new Fighting Styles.

Pick a physical Touchstone for your character; mostly this will be a person or group that you have as part of your character background anyway.

Final Touches

It’s best you try you new character out once: Note down how your new character compares to your old and discuss with the GM if you’re (un)happy!

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