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A simple implementation of undo and redo in JavaScript
const stripLast = arr => {
// split the last item from an array and return a tupple of [rest, last]
const length = arr.length;
const lastItem = arr[length - 1];
const restOfArr = arr.slice(0, length - 1);
return [restOfArr, lastItem];
const createTrimStartArray = length => arr => {
const startIndex = arr.length < length ? 0 : length;
const trimmedArr = arr.slice(startIndex, arr.length);
return trimmedArr;
function createUndoRedo(initial, options = {}) {
const { trace, historyLimit = Infinity } = options;
let _historyLimit = historyLimit;
let _trimStartArray = createTrimStartArray(_historyLimit);
let _timeline = {
past: [],
current: initial,
future: []
function log(str = "") {
trace && console.log(str, this.current);
function _getCurrent() {
return _timeline.current;
function _canUndo() {
return _timeline.past.length > 0;
function _canRedo() {
return _timeline.future.length > 0;
function update(next) {
// update the current value
const { past, current } = _timeline;
// calculate history storage limit
const limitedPast = _trimStartArray(past);
_timeline = {
past: [...limitedPast, current],
current: next,
// reset redo, don't allow redo if we update in the middle of the timeline
// this seems to be the idiomatic approach for most applications
future: []
return this.current;
function undo() {
if (this.canUndo) {
const { past, current, future } = _timeline;
const [restOfArr, lastItem] = stripLast(past);
_timeline = {
past: restOfArr,
current: lastItem,
future: [...future, current]
return this.current;
function redo() {
if (this.canRedo) {
const { past, current, future } = _timeline;
const [restOfArr, lastItem] = stripLast(future);
_timeline = {
past: [...past, current],
current: lastItem,
future: restOfArr
return this.current;
const publicAPI = {
get current() {
return _getCurrent();
get canRedo() {
return _canRedo();
get canUndo() {
return _canUndo();
get historyLimit() {
return _historyLimit;
set historyLimit(val) {
_historyLimit = val;
_trimStartArray = createTrimStartArray(_historyLimit);
return publicAPI;
const splitLast = arr => {
// split the last item from an array and return a tupple of [rest, last]
const length = arr.length;
const lastItem = arr[length - 1];
const restOfArr = arr.slice(0, length - 1);
return [restOfArr, lastItem];
const createShiftArrayItem = length => arr => {
const startIndex = arr.length < length ? 0 : length;
const trimmedArr = arr.slice(startIndex, arr.length);
return trimmedArr;
const purify = val => {
const typeAsString =;
switch (typeAsString) {
case "[object Array]":
return val.slice();
case "[object Object]":
return { ...val };
return val;
function createUndoRedo(initial, options = {}) {
const { trace, immutable, historyLimit = Infinity } = options;
let _historyLimit = historyLimit;
let _shiftArrayItem = createShiftArrayItem(_historyLimit);
function createTimeline(initialCurrent) {
return {
history: [],
current: initialCurrent,
future: []
function logCurrent(str = "") {
trace && console.log(str, this.current);
function update(timeline, next) {
// update the current value
const { history, current } = timeline;
// calculate history storage limit
const limitedHistory = _shiftArrayItem(history);
const nextTimeline = {
history: [...limitedHistory, current],
current: immutable ? purify(next) : next,
// reset redo, don't allow redo if we update in the middle of the timeline
// this seems to be the idiomatic approach for most applications
future: []
return nextTimeline;
function undo(timeline) {
if (_canUndo(timeline)) {
const { history, current, future } = timeline;
const [restOfArr, lastItem] = splitLast(history);
const nextTimeline = {
history: restOfArr,
current: lastItem,
future: [...future, current]
return nextTimeline;
} else {
return timeline;
function redo(timeline) {
if (_canRedo(timeline)) {
const { history, current, future } = timeline;
const [restOfArr, lastItem] = splitLast(future);
const nextTimeline = {
history: [...history, current],
current: lastItem,
future: restOfArr
return nextTimeline;
} else {
return timeline;
function _canUndo(timeline) {
return timeline.history.length > 0;
function _canRedo(timeline) {
return timeline.future.length > 0;
const publicAPI = {
get historyLimit() {
return _historyLimit;
set historyLimit(val) {
_historyLimit = val;
_shiftArrayItem = createShiftArrayItem(_historyLimit);
return publicAPI;
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sag1v commented Apr 22, 2019

usage example with react

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const splitLast = <T>(arr: T[][]): [T[][], T[] | undefined] => {
	// split the last item from an array and return a tupple of [rest, last]
	const length = arr.length
	const lastItem = arr[length - 1]
	const restOfArr = arr.slice(0, length - 1)
	return [restOfArr, lastItem]

const sliceEnd = <T>(arr: T[][], size: number) => {
	// slice array from to end by size
	const startIndex = arr.length < size ? 0 : size
	const trimmedArr = arr.slice(startIndex, arr.length)
	return trimmedArr

export class UndoRedo<T> {
	trace: boolean
	_historyLimit: number

	_timeline: {
		history: T[][]
		current: T[]
		future: T[][]
		initial: T[],
		options: {
			trace?: boolean
			historyLimit?: number
		} = {},
	) {
		const { trace, historyLimit = Infinity } = options
		this.trace = trace || false
		this._historyLimit = historyLimit

		this._timeline = {
			history: [],
			current: initial,
			future: [],

	log(str = '') {
		this.trace && console.log(str, this.current)

	_getCurrent() {
		return this._timeline.current

	_canUndo() {
		return this._timeline.history.length > 0

	_canRedo() {
		return this._timeline.future.length > 0

	update(next: T[] | undefined) {
		// update the current value
		const { history, current } = this._timeline
		// calculate history storage limit
		const limitedHistory = sliceEnd(history, this._historyLimit)
		this._timeline = {
			history: [...limitedHistory, current],
			current: next || [],
			// reset redo, don't allow redo if we update in the middle of the timeline
			// this seems to be the idiomatic approach for most applications
			future: [],
		return this.current

	add(value: T) {
		const next = [...this._timeline.current, value]
		return this.update(next)

	undo() {
		if (this.canUndo) {
			const { history, current, future } = this._timeline
			const [restOfArr, lastItem] = splitLast(history)
			this._timeline = {
				history: restOfArr,
				current: lastItem || [],
				future: [...future, current],
			return this.current

	redo() {
		if (this.canRedo) {
			const { history, current, future } = this._timeline
			const [restOfArr, lastItem] = splitLast(future)
			this._timeline = {
				history: [...history, current],
				current: lastItem || [],
				future: restOfArr,
			return this.current

	resetHistory() {
		this._timeline.history = []

	resetFuture() {
		this._timeline.future = []

	get current() {
		return this._getCurrent()
	get canRedo() {
		return this._canRedo()
	get canUndo() {
		return this._canUndo()
	get historyLimit() {
		return this._historyLimit
	set historyLimit(val) {
		this._historyLimit = val
	get timeline() {
		return this._timeline

export default UndoRedo

For those wanting typescript

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