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Created September 30, 2011 23:12
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require './'
include Glyros
# Brief example on how to use glyr_db_foreach() and the require macros
# Sorry if this looks like Ruby. It's acutally ruby-flavoured C :-)
# A filled DB is required, read to use example:
# $ glyrc artistphotos -a "Bring me the horizon" -n 10 -c /tmp
# Gets the 'requirements' for a certain fetcher by it's type
# (i.e.) the fields to (optionally) fill in order to get data
def get_requirements type
# Again, a very C-ish thing:
# 'info' is a var of the type 'GlyrFetcherInfo'
# it basically represents a single fetcher. ('cover','lyrics',etc.)
# You can iterate over all fetches similar to caches: by the next/prev pointers.
reqs = nil
info = glyr_info_get
head = info
# Iterate over it and stop when we got the matching type
until head.nil? and not reqs.nil?
reqs = head.reqs if head.type == type
head =
# Pass the start of the infolist to free it
glyr_info_free info
# reqs is an integer
def print_original_query query
# Every 'fetcher' has a requirement fields,
# telling you what fields need to be filled at least.
reqs = get_requirements query.type
s = "-- Query for "
# reqs is a bitmask, you can test if 'artist' is needed by an binary &
# If a certain field is needed (a & b) gives a value > 0
# Since it's valid to set the album field, for e.g. retrieving lyrics,
# you cannot just test for nil
# (This looks a bit esoteric in ruby, but is a common practice in C)
s << " : " + query.artist if (reqs & GLYR_REQUIRES_ARTIST) != 0
s << " / " + query.album if (reqs & GLYR_REQUIRES_ALBUM ) != 0
s << " / " + query.title if (reqs & GLYR_REQUIRES_TITLE ) != 0
# Append the string representation of the type:
s << " / [#{glyr_get_type_to_string query.type}]"
puts s
# Create or re-open a db at /tmp/metadata.db
db = glyr_db_init("/tmp")
# This gets called for each item in the database
p = do |query,cache|
print_original_query query
puts "\n////////////////////\n\n"
# Now iterate over it
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