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Created October 24, 2011 21:27
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#include <glib.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
static void foreach_file(const gchar * song_dir_path, const gchar * regex);
static gboolean path_go_up(char * song_dir_path);
static void find_in_musictree(const gchar * song_file_path, const gchar * regex, gint up_to);
// -> stringlib.c
gboolean regex_match(const gchar * string, const gchar * regex)
gboolean retv = FALSE;
if(string != NULL)
if(regex == NULL)
return TRUE;
retv = g_regex_match_simple(regex, string, G_REGEX_CASELESS, G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTEMPTY);
return retv;
// -> utils.c
gboolean is_file(const gchar * song_path_dir, const gchar * elem_name)
gchar * absolute_path = g_strdup_printf("%s%c%s",song_path_dir,G_DIR_SEPARATOR,elem_name);
gboolean retv = g_file_test(absolute_path,G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR);
return retv;
static void foreach_file(const gchar * song_dir_path, const gchar * regex)
if(song_dir_path != NULL)
GError * dir_error = NULL;
GDir * song_dir = g_dir_open(song_dir_path,0,&dir_error);
if(song_dir != NULL)
const gchar * entry = NULL;
while((entry = g_dir_read_name(song_dir)) != NULL)
if(regex_match(entry,regex) == TRUE)
g_printerr("Opening %s failed: %s\n",song_dir_path,dir_error->message);
static gboolean path_go_up(char * song_dir_path)
if(song_dir_path != NULL)
gchar * sep = strrchr(song_dir_path,G_DIR_SEPARATOR);
if(sep != NULL && sep != song_dir_path)
*sep = 0;
return TRUE;
if(sep != NULL && sep == song_dir_path)
sep[1] = 0;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static void find_in_musictree(const gchar * song_file_path, const gchar * regex, gint up_to)
gchar * song_dir_path = g_path_get_dirname(song_file_path);
if(song_dir_path != NULL)
for(gint i = 0; i < up_to; ++i)
g_printerr("---> Path = %s\n",song_dir_path);
if(path_go_up(song_dir_path) == FALSE)
// TODO: escape artist for regex and
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
gchar * music_dir = "/home/chris/HD/Musik/Apocalyptica/Cult/01 Path";
if(argc > 1)
music_dir = argv[1];
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