Everything I write in this article is my perception of this mental techniquet which we all broadly refer to as term "meditation".
Doing more work doesn't mean any good if the other choice is doing same work with lesser thinking noise(concise thinking) or some more important work. Similarly, thinking fast at the level of mind isn't any good if the other choice is doing same work with concised thinking or thinking of some more important element. Meditation helps you have the other choice available to you and kind of makes you disabled to the first way coz it just don't make any sense to you now. Stimulators: Coffee can be good stimulator to help you condition and have ease with the meditation. Coffee must be milk-less and you may add sugar if you feel like that.
Why don't we progress on the way of evolution of spiritual level of the mind? I think the way we handle the phase of emotional needyness plays an important role. That means if you meditate on those moments and practise to give yours