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Created December 17, 2022 07:37
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Save saidaspen/06c948893ece20f1d2e001b71ea26d58 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Dag 17 ostädad :)
import se.saidaspen.aoc.util.*
import java.math.BigInteger
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
fun main() =
object Dayxx : Day(2022, 17) {
var dash = toMap("####").map { it.key }.toSet()
var plus = toMap(".#.\n" +
"###\n" +
".#.").filter { it.value == '#' }.map { it.key }.toSet()
var lThing = toMap("..#\n" +
"..#\n" +
"###").filter { it.value == '#' }.map { it.key }.toSet()
var iThing = toMap("#\n" +
"#\n" +
"#\n" +
"#").filter { it.value == '#' }.map { it.key }.toSet()
var square = toMap("##\n" +
"##").filter { it.value == '#' }.map { it.key }.toSet()
val rocks = listOf(dash, plus, lThing, iThing, square)
var up = P(0, -1)
var down = P(0, 1)
var left = P(-1, 0)
var right = P(1, 0)
var leftWallX = -3
var rightWallX = 5
var bottom = 4
override fun part1(): Any {
// input = ">>><<><>><<<>><>>><<<>>><<<><<<>><>><<>>"
var vinds = input.e()
var vindI = 0
val map = mutableMapOf<Point, Char>()
for (x in leftWallX..rightWallX) {
map[P(x, bottom)] = '-'
var top = bottom
var movingRock : Set<Point> = getRock(0, bottom)
var nextRock = 1
var doVind = true
var stoppedRocks = 0
while(stoppedRocks < 2023) {
if (doVind) {
val vind = vinds[vindI]
vindI = (vindI + 1) % vinds.size
val afterMoving = if (vind == '>') {
move(movingRock, 1, right)
} else {
move(movingRock, 1, left)
if ( { it.x }.max() >= rightWallX) {
} else if ( { it.x }.min() <= leftWallX) {
} else if (afterMoving.any { map.containsKey(it) }) {
} else {
movingRock = afterMoving
} else {
val afterMoving = move(movingRock, 1, down)
if (afterMoving.any { map.containsKey(it) }) {
movingRock.forEach{ map[it] = '#'}
val rockType = nextRock
nextRock = (nextRock + 1)%5
// map.printArea()
// println("\n\n\n\n")
val top = { it.second }.min()
movingRock = getRock(rockType, top)
stoppedRocks += 1
} else {
movingRock = afterMoving
doVind = !doVind
val topOfMap: Int = { it.second }.min() * -1 +2
return topOfMap
private fun getRock(t: Int, bottom: Int): Set<P<Int, Int>> {
val rockType = t % 5
var rock = rocks[rockType]
val yMax = { it.second }.max()
var bottomOfRockShouldBe = bottom - 4
val distanceToFloor = (yMax - bottomOfRockShouldBe).absoluteValue
rock = if (bottomOfRockShouldBe < yMax) {
move(rock, distanceToFloor, up)
} else {
move(rock, distanceToFloor, down)
return rock
private fun move(rock: Set<Pair<Int, Int>>, distance: Int, dir: Pair<Int, Int>): Set<P<Int, Int>> {
return { it + (dir * distance) }.toSet()
override fun part2(): Any {
// input = ">>><<><>><<<>><>>><<<>>><<<><<<>><>><<>>"
var vinds = input.e()
var vindI = 0
val map = mutableMapOf<Point, Char>()
for (x in leftWallX..rightWallX) {
map[P(x, bottom)] = '-'
var top = bottom
var movingRock : Set<Point> = getRock(0, bottom)
var nextRock = 1
var doVind = true
var heightDiffs = "0"
while(true) {
if (doVind) {
val vind = vinds[vindI]
vindI = (vindI + 1) % vinds.size
val afterMoving = if (vind == '>') {
move(movingRock, 1, right)
} else {
move(movingRock, 1, left)
if ( { it.x }.max() >= rightWallX) {
} else if ( { it.x }.min() <= leftWallX) {
} else if (afterMoving.any { map.containsKey(it) }) {
} else {
movingRock = afterMoving
} else {
val afterMoving = move(movingRock, 1, down)
if (afterMoving.any { map.containsKey(it) }) {
val prevTop = { it.second }.min()
movingRock.forEach{ map[it] = '#'}
val rockType = nextRock
nextRock = (nextRock + 1)%5
val top = { it.second }.min()
var heightDiff = (top - prevTop).absoluteValue
heightDiffs += heightDiff
if (heightDiffs.length == 5_001) {
var newHeightDiffs = heightDiffs.drop(1000)
var found = false
var len = 20
var cycle = ""
while (!found) {
var needle = newHeightDiffs.substring(0, len)
if (newHeightDiffs.substring(len).startsWith(needle)) {
found = true
cycle = needle
len += 1
var lastIndex = heightDiffs.lastIndexOf(cycle)
println("Lastindex " + lastIndex)
println("heightDiffs.length " + heightDiffs.length)
var whereInCycle = heightDiffs.length - (cycle.length + lastIndex)
println("whereInCycle " + whereInCycle)
println("Found cycle $len")
var heightAt5000 = heightDiffs.substring(1, 5000+1).e().map { it.digitToInt() }.sum()
var heightIncreaseOneCycle = cycle.e().map { it.digitToInt() }.sum().toLong()
println("Size after 5000 rocks is " + heightAt5000 )
println("One cycle increases " + heightIncreaseOneCycle )
var cycleB = BigInteger.valueOf(len.toLong())
var times = (BigInteger.valueOf(1000000000000L).minus(BigInteger.valueOf(5000))).divide(cycleB)
var getsUsTo = BigInteger.valueOf(5000).add(times.multiply(cycleB))
var left = BigInteger.valueOf(1000000000000L).minus(getsUsTo)
var currHeight = heightAt5000.toLong().toBigInteger().add(heightIncreaseOneCycle.toBigInteger().multiply(times))
println("Gets us to $getsUsTo, with $left left")
var heightAfter = (cycle+cycle).substring(whereInCycle, whereInCycle+left.toInt()).map { it.digitToInt() }.sum()
var missing = BigInteger.valueOf(1514285714288L).minus(currHeight)
println("missing $missing")
var totalHeight = currHeight + heightAfter.toLong().toBigInteger()
return totalHeight.toString()
movingRock = getRock(rockType, top)
} else {
movingRock = afterMoving
doVind = !doVind
// 1 000 000 000 000
val topOfMap: Int = { it.second }.min() * -1 +2
return topOfMap
private operator fun Pair<Int, Int>.times(fact: Int): Pair<Int, Int> {
return P(this.x * fact, this.y * fact)
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