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Last active December 20, 2022 18:04
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Advent of Code 2022 Day 19
package se.saidaspen.aoc.aoc2022
import se.saidaspen.aoc.util.*
import java.lang.Integer.max
import kotlin.math.min
fun main() =
object Day19 : Day(2022, 19) {
private val bps = input.lines().map { ints(it) }.map {
it[0], // id of blueprint
listOf(listOf(it[1], 0, 0, 0), // ore robot
listOf(it[2], 0, 0, 0), // clay robot
listOf(it[3], it[4], 0, 0), // obsidian robot
listOf(it[5], 0, it[6], 0) // geode robot
override fun part1() = bps.sumOf { it.first * solve(it.second, 24)}
override fun part2()= bps.subList(0, 3).map { solve(it.second, 32) }.reduce { acc, next -> acc * next}
private fun solve(bps: List<List<Int>>, initialTime: Int): Int {
fun canAfford(bp: List<Int>, inv: List<Int>) = inv.withIndex().all { it.value >= bp[it.index] }
// First four are resources, next four are robots, last one is the time left.
val start = listOf(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, initialTime)
val queue = listOf(start).toArrayDeque()
val seen = mutableSetOf<List<Int>>()
var best = 0
// Maximum cost of any resource to be used in any one round
val maxCosts = listOf( { it[0] }.max(), // The price of most expensive ore consumption { it[1] }.max(), // The price of most expensive clay consumption
bps[3][2], // The price of most expensive obsidian consumption (only geode robots cost obsidian!)
main@while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val curr = queue.pop()!!
if (seen.contains(curr)) continue // We have already checked this one
val timeLeft = curr[8]
if (timeLeft == 0) { // Time's up. Tally up.
best = max(best, curr[3])
// If we have no chance to make it to best, give up.
if ((timeLeft * timeLeft + timeLeft) / 2 + curr[7] * timeLeft <= best - curr[3]) continue
val currentInv = curr.subList(0, 4).toMutableList()
val currentFactory = curr.subList(4)
// Throw away excess inventory. Makes for more cache-hits of seen, makes it faster.
currentInv[0] = min(currentInv[0], (timeLeft * maxCosts[0]) - (curr[4] * (timeLeft - 1)))
currentInv[1] = min(currentInv[1], (timeLeft * maxCosts[1]) - (curr[5] * (timeLeft - 1)))
currentInv[2] = min(currentInv[2], (timeLeft * maxCosts[2]) - (curr[6] * (timeLeft - 1)))
val nextInventory = currentInv.elemAdd(currentFactory)
val nextTime = timeLeft - 1
// If we can afford a geo-cracking robot, build it and move on!
if (canAfford(bps[3], currentInv)) {
queue.push(nextInventory.elemSubtract(bps[3]) + currentFactory.elemAdd(0, 0, 0, 1) + nextTime)
// We can only build one robot at a time, so, build any robot that we can afford to build.
for (i in 0..2) {
// Don't build more robots than what can produce resources to be consumed in one round.
// it's a waste of time. Except for geode-cracking robots!
if (currentFactory[i] <= maxCosts[i] && canAfford(bps[i], currentInv)) {
val nextFactory = currentFactory.toMutableList()
nextFactory[i] += 1
queue.push(nextInventory.elemSubtract(bps[i]) + nextFactory + nextTime)
// We always have the possibility of not building any robots at all
queue.push(nextInventory + currentFactory + nextTime)
return best
fun List<Int>.elemAdd(other: List<Int>) = this.mapIndexed { i, e -> e + other[i] }
fun List<Int>.elemAdd(vararg other: Int) = this.mapIndexed { i, e -> e + other[i] }
fun List<Int>.elemSubtract(other: List<Int>) = this.mapIndexed { i, e -> e - other[i] }
fun <E> List<E>.subList(fromIndex: Int) = this.subList(fromIndex, this.size - 1)
fun ints(input: String) = "-?\\d+".toRegex(RegexOption.MULTILINE).findAll(input).map { it.value.toInt() }.toList()
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