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Last active December 21, 2022 06:22
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import se.saidaspen.aoc.util.Day
import se.saidaspen.aoc.util.words
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.max
fun main() =
object Dayxx : Day(2022, 21) {
var input2 = "root: pppw + sjmn\n" +
"dbpl: 5\n" +
"cczh: sllz + lgvd\n" +
"zczc: 2\n" +
"ptdq: humn - dvpt\n" +
"dvpt: 3\n" +
"lfqf: 4\n" +
"humn: 5\n" +
"ljgn: 2\n" +
"sjmn: drzm * dbpl\n" +
"sllz: 4\n" +
"pppw: cczh / lfqf\n" +
"lgvd: ljgn * ptdq\n" +
"drzm: hmdt - zczc\n" +
"hmdt: 32"
override fun part1(): Any {
val monkeys = input.lines().map { it.split(":").map { t -> t.trim() } }.associate { it[0] to it[1] }
return getValue(monkeys, "root")
private fun getValue(monkeys: Map<String, String>, m: String): Long {
val monkeyDo = monkeys[m]!!
return if (monkeyDo.toLongOrNull() != null) {
} else {
val (op1, oper, op2) = words(monkeyDo)
when (oper) {
"+" -> getValue(monkeys, op1) + getValue(monkeys, op2)
"-" -> getValue(monkeys, op1) - getValue(monkeys, op2)
"*" -> getValue(monkeys, op1) * getValue(monkeys, op2)
"/" -> getValue(monkeys, op1) / getValue(monkeys, op2)
else -> throw RuntimeException("Unsupported op")
override fun part2(): Any {
val monkeys: MutableMap<String, String> =
input.lines().map { it.split(":").map { t -> t.trim() } }.associate { it[0] to it[1] }.toMutableMap()
var currentGuess = 0L
var switch = false
var lastDiff = 0L
while (true) {
val dist = guess(monkeys, currentGuess)
if (dist.absoluteValue > lastDiff.absoluteValue && currentGuess != 0L) switch = !switch // Change direction if we are going in the wrong dir
if (dist == 0L) return currentGuess
println("guessed $currentGuess gave $dist")
var change = max(1, dist.absoluteValue / 2)
change *= if (switch) -1 else 1
currentGuess += if (dist > 0) change else change * -1
lastDiff = dist
private fun guess(
monkeys: MutableMap<String, String>,
currentGuess: Long,
): Long {
val (op1, _, op2) = words(monkeys["root"]!!)
monkeys["humn"] = currentGuess.toString()
return getValue(monkeys, op1) - getValue(monkeys, op2)
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