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Created December 13, 2022 08:41
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Advent of Code 2022 13
import se.saidaspen.aoc.util.Day
import se.saidaspen.aoc.util.P
fun main() =
object Day13 : Day(2022, 13) {
class Packet (private val fixed : Int? = null, val values : MutableList<Packet> = mutableListOf()) : Comparable<Packet> {
override fun toString() = fixed?.toString() ?: ("[" + values.joinToString(",") + "]")
override operator fun compareTo(other: Packet): Int {
if (this.fixed != null && other.fixed != null) return this.fixed.compareTo(other.fixed)
val left = if (this.fixed != null) Packet(null, mutableListOf(Packet(this.fixed))) else this
val right = if (other.fixed != null) Packet(null, mutableListOf(Packet(other.fixed))) else other
for (i in left.values.indices) {
if (i >= right.values.size) return 1
val compareI = left.values[i].compareTo(right.values[i])
if (compareI != 0) return compareI
return left.values.size.compareTo(right.values.size)
companion object {
fun parse(inp: String): Packet {
val p = Packet()
val part = inp.dropLast(1).drop(1)
var i = 0
var num = ""
while (i < part.length) {
val c = part[i]
if (c.isDigit()) {
num += c
} else if (c == '[') {
var j = i+1
var cnt = 1
while (cnt > 0){
if (part[j] == ']') {
cnt -= 1
} else if (part[j] == '['){
cnt += 1
val subPacket = part.substring(i, j)
i = j
} else if (c == ']') {
throw RuntimeException("Unexpected char ]")
} else if (c == ',' && num != "") {
num = ""
if (num != "") {
return p
override fun part1(): Any {
val packetPairs = input.split("\n\n").map { P(Packet.parse(it.lines()[0]), Packet.parse(it.lines()[1])) }
val tmp = packetPairs.withIndex().filter { it.value.first < it.value.second }.map { it.index + 1 }
return tmp.sumOf { it }
override fun part2(): Any {
val packets = input.lines().filter { it != "" }.map { Packet.parse(it) }.toMutableList()
val divider1 = Packet.parse("[[2]]")
val divider2 = Packet.parse("[[6]]")
return (packets.indexOf(divider1) +1) * (packets.indexOf(divider2) +1)
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