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Created December 27, 2015 17:53
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ground_control=> \d bsd_person_gc_bsd_groups
Table "ground_control.bsd_person_gc_bsd_groups"
Column | Type | Modifiers
cons_id | bigint | not null
gc_bsd_group_id | integer | not null
modified_dt | timestamp with time zone | not null
create_dt | timestamp with time zone | not null
"bsd_person_gc_bsd_groups_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (cons_id, gc_bsd_group_id)
"bsd_person_gc_bsd_groups_cons_id_index" btree (cons_id)
"bsd_person_gc_bsd_groups_gc_bsd_group_id_index" btree (gc_bsd_group_id)
ground_control=> \d bsd_addresses
Table "ground_control.bsd_addresses"
Column | Type | Modifiers
cons_addr_id | bigint | not null
cons_id | bigint |
cons_addr_type_id | bigint |
is_primary | boolean |
addr1 | character varying(300) |
addr2 | character varying(300) |
addr3 | character varying(300) |
city | character varying(200) |
state_cd | character varying(200) |
zip | character varying(30) |
zip_4 | character varying(20) |
country | character(2) |
addr_aug_ver | bigint |
addr_aug_dt | timestamp without time zone |
geocoder_accuracy | bigint |
create_dt | timestamp without time zone |
create_app | character varying(128) |
create_user | character varying(128) |
modified_dt | timestamp without time zone |
modified_app | character varying(128) |
modified_user | character varying(128) |
status | bigint |
note | character varying(255) |
latitude | double precision |
longitude | double precision |
geom | geometry(Point,900913) |
"bsd_addresses_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (cons_addr_id)
"bsd_addresses_cons_id_index" btree (cons_id)
"bsd_addresses_idx_geom" gist (geom)
"bsd_addresses_is_primary_index" btree (is_primary)
"bsd_addresses_latitude_index" btree (latitude)
"bsd_addresses_longitude_index" btree (longitude)
"bsd_addresses_state_cd_index" btree (state_cd)
"bsd_addresses_zip_index" btree (zip)
ground_control=> \d zip_codes
Table "ground_control.zip_codes"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | bigint | not null default nextval('zip_codes_id_seq'::regclass)
modified_dt | timestamp with time zone | not null
create_dt | timestamp with time zone | not null
zip | character varying(255) |
city | character varying(255) | not null
state | character varying(255) | not null
latitude | real | not null
longitude | real | not null
timezone_offset | integer | not null
has_dst | boolean | not null
"zip_codes_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"zip_codes_zip_unique" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (zip)
"zip_codes_timezone_offset_index" btree (timezone_offset)
"zip_codes_zip_index" btree (zip)
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