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Created October 14, 2023 21:49
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#Utegym check
from datetime import datetime
import urllib3
import sys
from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON
endpoint_url = ""
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
# Check linkroot -->
query = """SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?oldURL WHERE {
?wd wdt:P6104 wd:Q107186275. # Outdoor gyms
?wd wdt:P856 ?oldURL.
?wd wdt:P17 wd:Q34. # Sverige
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sv". }
def get_results(endpoint_url, query):
user_agent = "user:salgo60/%s.%s" % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])
sparql = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint_url, agent=user_agent)
return sparql.query().convert()
''' Check if URLS is ok'''
def check(url,wd, wdLabel):
r = http.request('GET', url)
except Exception as e:
return False
if r.status != 200:
print("Status: ",r.status, " \t", url, "\tWikidata: ", wd," - ", wdLabel)
return False
return True
start_time =
print("Last run: ", start_time)
results = get_results(endpoint_url, query)
print ("Number records i Wikidata: " + str(len(results["results"]["bindings"])))
ok = 0
notok = 0
for result in results["results"]["bindings"]:
currentURL = result["oldURL"]["value"]
wd = result["wd"]["value"]
wdLabel = result["wdLabel"]["value"]
if check(currentURL,wd, wdLabel):
ok += 1
notok += 1
except Exception as error:
print("An error occurred: ", wd, " - ", type(error).__name__) # An error occurred: NameError
procent = notok / (ok + notok) * 100
print("OK: ",ok,"\t not ok",notok,"\t procent problem", procent)
end =
print("Ended: ", end)
print('Time elapsed ( {}'.format( - start_time))
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