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Samuel Gavinio samgavinio

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samgavinio / Wordpress Zendesk Trobleshooting
Last active July 3, 2018 07:33
Troubleshooting steps for Zendesk Authentication within Wordpress
## Disclaimer: This tries to debug an issue for Zendesk auth within Wordpress by modifying the code within the zendesk extension.
## Before beginning, it is highly recommended that this is done in a NON-PRODUCTION environment and that you have a back-up of wp-content/plugins/zendesk somewhere safe.
1. Gain access to the wp-content directory of your wordpress installation
2. Open wp-content/plugins/zendesk/classes/zendesk-wordpress-api.php
3. In the function "private function _get", slighly modify the wp_remote_get call
$result = wp_remote_get(
# Flatten an array.
# @param input [Array] An arbitrarily nested array structure of integers to be nested
# @return [Array] Flattened one-dimensional array of integers
def flatten(input)
return [input] unless input.respond_to?('each')
output = []
input.each do |elem|
if elem.respond_to?('each')
samgavinio / stone-wall-go.txt
Last active May 8, 2018 15:24
Codility Stone Wall Solutions using a Stack in Go
// Codility Problem at:
package main
import (
type Stack struct {
size int
stack []int

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am samgavinio on github.
  • I am samgavinio ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCsFX32qTtdjLVSCiGkH1ZYuoC0U9ATRPtlqTSS8cTBJgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

### Installation Installing globally would be a good idea.
### Pre-requisite:
A. Configure Magento to allow rendering templates that are being symlinked.
To do this go to System > Configuration > Advanced > Developer and enable Allow Symlinks.
B. If you have zendesk installed via any other means such as the connect manager, it's a good idea to
1. Calling `skypeTeamsTab.settings.setTabSettings` to save the tab setting doesn't work.
You will get a "We couldn't save your tab settings. Please try again later" error. The sample maps tab they provided even exhibits this issue.
2. Opening multiple tab config-UIs by clicking on the tab icon multiple times rapidly in the tab selection modal results in a problem where the authentication successCallback is not called.
Furthermore a weird second popup window appears (aside from the specified auth window) with the error message "Bad Request".
3. Calling `skypeTeamsTab.authentication.authenticate` more than once results in the authentication successCallback not being called for the second instance of the auth pop-up flow. This use-case is useful for allowing the user to change the zendesk subdomain he wants to authenticate with.