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Last active August 23, 2019 17:50
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/* -*- mode: java; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
// Copied from
Part of the Processing project -
Copyright (c) 2012-17 The Processing Foundation
Copyright (c) 2009-12 Ben Fry and Casey Reas
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import java.util.List;
import processing.core.PApplet;
* Processing preprocessor, supporting the Android specifics.
public class AndroidPreprocessor extends PdePreprocessor {
protected Sketch sketch;
protected String packageName;
protected String smoothStatement;
protected String sketchQuality;
protected String kindStatement;
protected String sketchKind;
public static final String SMOOTH_REGEX =
public AndroidPreprocessor(final String sketchName) {
public AndroidPreprocessor(final Sketch sketch,
final String packageName) throws IOException {
this.sketch = sketch;
this.packageName = packageName;
public PreprocessorResult initSketchSize(String code) throws SketchException {
PreprocessorResult result = write(new StringWriter(), code);
if (result.getSketchWidth() == null || result.getSketchHeight() == null) {
System.err.println("More about the size() command on Android can be");
System.err.println("found here:");
throw new SketchException("Could not parse the size() command.");
return result;
public String[] initSketchSmooth(String code) throws SketchException {
String[] info = parseSketchSmooth(code, true);
if (info == null) {
System.err.println("More about the smooth() command on Android can be");
System.err.println("found here:");
throw new SketchException("Could not parse the smooth() command.");
smoothStatement = info[0];
sketchQuality = info[1];
return info;
static public String[] parseSketchSmooth(String code, boolean fussy) {
String[] matches = PApplet.match(scrubComments(code), SMOOTH_REGEX);
if (matches != null) {
boolean badSmooth = false;
if (PApplet.parseInt(matches[1], -1) == -1) {
badSmooth = true;
if (badSmooth && fussy) {
// found a reference to smooth, but it didn't seem to contain numbers
final String message =
"The smooth level of this applet could not automatically\n" +
"be determined from your code. Use only a numeric\n" +
"value (not variables) for the smooth() command.\n" +
"See the smooth() reference for an explanation.";
Messages.showWarning("Could not find smooth level", message, null);
return null;
return matches;
return new String[] { null, null }; // not an error, just empty
protected int writeImports(final PrintWriter out,
final List<String> programImports,
final List<String> codeFolderImports) {
out.println("package " + packageName + ";");
int count = 2;
count += super.writeImports(out, programImports, codeFolderImports);
// count += writeImportList(out, getAndroidImports());
return count;
protected void writeFooter(PrintWriter out, String className) {
PreprocessorResult info = null;
try {
info = initSketchSize(sketch.getMainProgram());
} catch (SketchException e) {
if (info == null) {
// Cannot get size info, just use parent's implementation.
super.writeFooter(out, className);
} else {
// Same as in the parent, but without writing the main() method, which is
// not needed in Android.
if (mode == Mode.STATIC) {
// close off setup() definition
out.println(indent + indent + "noLoop();");
out.println(indent + "}");
if ((mode == Mode.STATIC) || (mode == Mode.ACTIVE)) {
// doesn't remove the original size() method, but calling size()
// again in setup() is harmless.
if (!hasMethod("settings") && info.hasSettings()) {
StringJoiner argJoiner = new StringJoiner(",");
// TODO: Other renders?
String settingsInner = String.format("size(%s);", argJoiner.toString());
out.println(indent + "public void settings() { " + settingsInner + " }");
// close off the class definition
// Assorted commented out code
// As of revision 0215 (2.0b7-ish), the default imports are now identical
// between desktop and Android (to avoid unintended incompatibilities).
public String[] getCoreImports() {
return new String[] {
public String[] getDefaultImports() {
final String prefsLine = Preferences.get("android.preproc.imports");
if (prefsLine != null) {
return PApplet.splitTokens(prefsLine, ", ");
// The initial values are stored in here for the day when Android
// is broken out as a separate mode.
// In the future, this may include standard classes for phone or
// accelerometer access within the Android APIs. This is currently living
// in code rather than preferences.txt because Android mode needs to
// maintain its independence from the rest of
final String[] androidImports = new String[] {
// "android.view.MotionEvent", "android.view.KeyEvent",
// "", //"java.awt.Image",
"*", // for BufferedReader, InputStream, etc
//"*", "java.text.*", // leaving otu for now
"java.util.*" // for ArrayList and friends
//"*", "java.util.regex.*" // not necessary w/ newer i/o
PApplet.join(androidImports, ","));
return androidImports;
// No need for it now
public String[] getDefaultImports() {
// String[] defs = super.getDefaultImports();
// return defs;
return new String[] {
public String[] getAndroidImports() {
return new String[] {
protected boolean parseSketchSize() {
// This matches against any uses of the size() function, whether numbers
// or variables or whatever. This way, no warning is shown if size() isn't
// actually used in the applet, which is the case especially for anyone
// who is cutting/pasting from the reference.
String scrubbed =;
String[] matches = PApplet.match(scrubbed,;
// PApplet.println("matches: " + Sketch.SIZE_REGEX);
// PApplet.println(matches);
if (matches != null) {
boolean badSize = false;
if (matches[1].equals("screenWidth") ||
matches[1].equals("screenHeight") ||
matches[2].equals("screenWidth") ||
matches[2].equals("screenHeight")) {
final String message =
"The screenWidth and screenHeight variables are named\n" +
"displayWidth and displayHeight in this release of Processing.";
Base.showWarning("Time for a quick update", message, null);
return false;
if (!matches[1].equals("displayWidth") &&
!matches[1].equals("displayHeight") &&
PApplet.parseInt(matches[1], -1) == -1) {
badSize = true;
if (!matches[2].equals("displayWidth") &&
!matches[2].equals("displayHeight") &&
PApplet.parseInt(matches[2], -1) == -1) {
badSize = true;
if (badSize) {
// found a reference to size, but it didn't seem to contain numbers
final String message =
"The size of this applet could not automatically be determined\n" +
"from your code. Use only numeric values (not variables) for the\n" +
"size() command. See the size() reference for more information.";
Base.showWarning("Could not find sketch size", message, null);
System.out.println("More about the size() command on Android can be");
System.out.println("found here:");
return false;
// PApplet.println(matches);
sizeStatement = matches[0]; // the full method to be removed from the source
sketchWidth = matches[1];
sketchHeight = matches[2];
sketchRenderer = matches[3].trim();
if (sketchRenderer.length() == 0) {
sketchRenderer = null;
} else {
sizeStatement = null;
sketchWidth = null;
sketchHeight = null;
sketchRenderer = null;
return true;
public PreprocessorResult write(Writer out, String program, String[] codeFolderPackages)
throws SketchException, RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
if (sizeStatement != null) {
int start = program.indexOf(sizeStatement);
program = program.substring(0, start) +
program.substring(start + sizeStatement.length());
// the OpenGL package is back in 2.0a5
//program = program.replaceAll("import\\s+processing\\.opengl\\.\\S+;", "");
return super.write(out, program, codeFolderPackages);
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@sampottinger this modified pre-processor for the Android mode would make it compatible with correct?

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Hey there @codeanticode! Thanks for reaching out. I haven't tested this but, yes, I believe will compile at the least if you use this revision. ;) Let me know if there's any way I can help and thank you for taking a look at this.

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