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Created July 3, 2010 18:02
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enumerated types for Python that really are types
"""A metaclass for enumerated types that really are types.
You can create enumerations with `enum(values, [name])` and they work
how you would expect them to.
>>> from enumeration import enum
>>> Direction = enum('north east south west', name='Direction')
>>> Direction.west
>>> Direction.west == Direction.west
>>> Direction.west == Direction.east
>>> isinstance(Direction.west, Direction)
>>> Direction[3]
>>> Direction['west']
>>> Direction.north < Direction.west
Enumerations are classes; their instances represent the possible values
of the enumeration. Because Python classes must have names, you may
provide a `name` parameter to `enum`; if you don't, a meaningless one
will be chosen for you.
import random
class Enumeration(type):
"""A metaclass whose classes are enumerations.
The `values` attribute of the class is used to populate the
enumeration. Values may either be a list of enumerated names or a
string containing a space-separated list of names. When the class
is created, it is instantiated for each name value in `values`.
Each such instance is the name of the enumerated item as the sole
The `Enumerated` class is a good choice for a superclass.
def __init__(cls, name, bases, dic):
super(Enumeration, cls).__init__(name, bases, dic)
if not hasattr(cls, 'values'):
# Do nothing if no values are provided (i.e., with
# Enumerated itself).
# May be called with a single string, in which case we split on
# whitespace for convenience.
values = cls.values
if isinstance(values, basestring):
values = values.split()
# Create the Enumerated instances for each value. We have to use
# super's __setattr__ here because we disallow setattr below.
super(Enumeration, cls).__setattr__('_items_dict', {})
super(Enumeration, cls).__setattr__('_items_list', [])
for value in values:
item = cls(value, len(cls._items_list))
cls._items_dict[value] = item
def __getattr__(cls, key):
return cls._items_dict[key]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError("enumeration '" + cls.__name__ +
"' has no item '" + key + "'")
def __setattr__(cls, key, val):
raise TypeError("enumerations do not support attribute assignment")
def __getitem__(cls, key):
if isinstance(key, int):
return cls._items_list[key]
return getattr(cls, key)
def __len__(cls):
return len(cls._items_list)
def __iter__(cls):
return iter(cls._items_list)
def __nonzero__(cls):
# Ensures that __len__ doesn't get called before __init__ by
# pydoc.
return True
class Enumerated(object):
"""An item in an enumeration.
Contains instance methods inherited by enumerated objects. The
metaclass is preset to `Enumeration` for your convenience.
Instance attributes:
name -- The name of the item.
index -- The index of the item in its enumeration.
>>> from enumeration import Enumerated
>>> class Garment(Enumerated):
... values = 'hat glove belt poncho lederhosen suspenders'
... def wear(self):
... print 'now wearing a ' +
>>> Garment.poncho.wear()
now wearing a poncho
__metaclass__ = Enumeration
def __init__(self, name, index): = name
self.index = index
def __str__(self):
return type(self).__name__ + '.' +
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def __cmp__(self, other):
if type(self) is type(other):
# Note that we're assuming that the items are direct
# instances of the same Enumeration (i.e., no fancy
# subclassing), which is probably okay.
return cmp(self.index, other.index)
return NotImplemented
def enum(*values, **kwargs):
"""Shorthand for creating a new Enumeration class.
Call with enumeration values as a list, a space-delimited string, or
just an argument list. To give the class a name, pass it as the
`name` keyword argument. Otherwise, a name will be chosen for you.
The following are all equivalent:
enum('pinkie ring middle index thumb')
enum('pinkie', 'ring', 'middle', 'index', 'thumb')
enum(['pinkie', 'ring', 'middle', 'index', 'thumb'])
if ('name' not in kwargs) or kwargs['name'] is None:
# Create a probably-unique name. It doesn't really have to be
# unique, but getting distinct names each time helps with
# identification in debugging.
name = 'Enumeration' + hex(random.randint(0,0xfffffff))[2:].upper()
name = kwargs['name']
if len(values) == 1:
# If there's only one value, we have a couple of alternate calling
# styles.
if isinstance(values[0], basestring) or hasattr(values[0], '__iter__'):
values = values[0]
return type(name, (Enumerated,), {'values': values})
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