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Created January 28, 2019 14:35
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PK with deSolve
title: "Pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics with `DeSolve`"
author: "INSA Lyon - 3BIM EDO Modelling"
date: '2019-01-28'
output: slidy_presentation
```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, include=FALSE}
library(deSolve) # need library `deSolve`
## PK/PD
Pharmacokinetics (PK)
: The branch of pharmacology dedicated to determining the fate of substances administered to a living organism
Pharmacodynamics (PD)
: The branch of pharmacology dedicated to study of the biochemical and physiologic effects of drugs, and in particular, pharmaceutical drugs.
The objective is to describe the *exposure-response* relationship.
## PK Models
How the body affects the a chemical (xenobiotic) after administration, through *absorption*, *distribution*, *metabolic changes*, and *excretion of metabolites*. *Multi-compartmental models* are the most common models.
*ADME* or (*LADME*) scheme: Liberation, Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion
- Immediate distribution within the compartment (drug concentration constant within a compartment)
- elimination and distribution rates are linear (only proportional to drug concentrations)
## Monocomparmental Models
*Monocompartmental* and *two compartmental* models are the most frequently used.
- Monocompartmental model: single physiological compartment, usually *plasma*, single drug (no metabolites).
$$C(t) = C_0 \exp(- k_e t).$$
$C$ ($\mu$g/L) is the drug concentration in plasma, $C_0$ is the initial concentration. $C_0$ is related to the *dose* $D$ ($\mu$g) and the *volume of distribution* $V_d$ (L):
$$C_0 = \frac{D}{V_d}.$$
$k_e$ is the drug *elimination* rate constant.
## Nomenclature {.smaller}
Term Description Symbol Equation Example
------ ------------ ------- --------- --------
Dose Amount of drug $D$ input par 250mg
Volume of Apparent volume $V_d$ $D/C_0$ 5.0L
distribution in which the drug
is distributed
Concentration Initial concentration $C_0$ $D/V_d$ 0.2mg/L
of the drug
Elimination Rate at which drug $k_e$ 0.12h${}^{-1}$
rate constant is removed from the
Area under Integral of $AUC_{0,t}$ $\int_0^tC(t)dt$ mg/L h
the curve (AUC) drug concentration
over time
Clearance Volume of plasma $CL$ $V_d k_e$ L/h
cleared of the drug
per unit time
## Monocomparmental Models - Single Dose
The model can be expressed as an initial value problem: solve
$$C' = - k_e C, \; C(0) = C_0.$$
```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
monocompartment <- function(t, var, pars) {
with(as.list(c(pars, var)), {
dC <- - ke * C
list(dC) }) }
D <- 500 # Dose (in mg)
Vd <- 5.0 # Volume of distribution (in L)
C0 <- c(C = D/Vd) # Initial concentration (in mg/L)
times <- seq(0, 100, 0.1) # (in hours)
pars <- c(ke = 0.04) # elimination rate (in h^-1)
sol <- ode(times = times, y = C0,
func = monocompartment, parms = pars)
## Monocomparmental Models - Single Dose
```{r, fig.width=6, fig.height=5}
plot(sol, ylab="concentration (mg/L)", ylim = c(0,D/Vd))
## Monocomparmental Models - Multiple Doses
- The elimination rate constant can include several elimination pathways: $k_e = k_{renal} + k_{met} + ...$.
- Multiple doses at dosing interval $\tau$ can be solved with the `events` function
# 500mg per dose, three times a day
# (08:00, 12:00, 18:00) for 2 days
dosingSchedule <- data.frame(var = rep(c("C"), 6),
time = rep(c(8,12,18),2) + rep(c(0,24), each = 3),
value = rep(c(D/Vd), 6),
method = rep(c("add"), 6))
C0 <- c(C = 0) # Initial concentration = 0 mg/L
sol <- ode(times = times, y = C0,
func = monocompartment, parms = pars,
event = list(data = dosingSchedule))
## Monocomparmental Models - Multiple Doses
```{r, fig.width=6, fig.height=4}
plot(sol, ylab="concentration (mg/L)")
with(dosingSchedule,points(time, 0*time, pch = 19))
## Two compartmental Models - Formula
- Monocompartmental models do not take into account exchanges between plasma and peripheral organs
- Two compartmental model: two physiological compartments, *central* (usually *plasma* or well perfused tissue) and the peripheral tissue (muscles, fat, brain, ...). The concentration at time $t$ in the central compartment is
$$C(t) = a \exp(- \alpha t) + b \exp(- \beta t), \; \alpha > \beta.$$
- Alpha-phase: short-term kinetics during which the drug is distributed to the peripheral compartment
- Beta-phase: long-term kinetics during which the drug is eliminated
## Two compartmental Models - Alpha and Beta phases {.smaller}
```{r fig.width=5, fig.height=3}
pars <- c(a=80.0, b=20.0, alpha=1.2, beta=0.02)
t <- seq(0,40,by=0.1)
plot(t, a*exp(-alpha*t) + b*exp(-beta*t),
type = 'l', log = 'y', lwd = 2,
xlab = 'time (h)', ylab = 'central compartment'))
## Two compartmental Models - Alpha and Beta phases {.smaller}
```{r, echo=FALSE, fig.width=6, fig.height=5}
plot(t, a*exp(-alpha*t) + b*exp(-beta*t),
type = 'l', log = 'y', lwd = 2,
xlab = 'time (h)', ylab = 'central compartment'))
with(as.list(pars), lines(t, (a+b)*exp(-alpha*t), col = 'blue'))
with(as.list(pars), lines(t, b*exp(-beta*t), col = 'red'))
## Two compartmental Models - ODE formulation
```{r echo=FALSE}
digraph rmarkdown {
graph [splines=line]
Administration -> Central [label=\"D\"];
Central -> Elimination [label=\"k10\"];
Central -> Peripheral [arrowhead=rvee label=\"k12\" color=\"black:white:black\" labeldistance=20];
Peripheral -> Central [arrowhead=rvee label=\"k21\" color=\"black:white:black\" labeldistance=20];
", height = 200)
The pair of ODEs is
C_c' & = -k_{12} C_c + k_{21} C_p - k_{10} C_c \\
C_p' & = k_{12} C_c - k_{21} C_p \\
Parameters $a,b,\alpha,\beta$ and $D,k_{12},k_{21},k_{10}$ are related.
## Two compartmental Models - ODE formulation
In the two compartment model, the *volume of distribution* changes as the drug gets distributed into the
peripheral compartment.
We denote $V_c,V_p$ the volumes of distribution
of the central and peripheral compartments.
```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
twocompartment <- function(t, var, pars) {
with(as.list(c(pars, var)), {
dCc <- -k12*Central + k21*r*Peripheral - k10*Central
dCp <- k12/r*Central - k21*Peripheral
list(c(dCc,dCp)) }) }
D <- 500 # Dose (in mg)
Vc <- 5.0 # Volume of distribution in Central (in L)
Vp <- 10.0 # Volume of distribution in Peripheral (in L)
C0 <- c(Central = D/Vc, Peripheral = 0) # Initial concentration (in mg/L)
times <- seq(0, 40, 0.1) # (in hours)
pars <- c(k12 = 1.2, k21 = 1.5, k10 = 0.04, r = Vp/Vc)
sol <- ode(times = times, y = C0,
func = twocompartment, parms = pars)
## Two compartmental Models - ODE formulation
```{r, fig.width=6, fig.height=5}
plot(sol, which = 'Central',
type = 'l', log = 'y', lwd = 2,
xlab = 'time (h)', ylab = 'central compartment')
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This is cool. I am trying to set up an "interface model for dosage adjustment connects hematotoxicity to pharmacokinetics". In this model there is a feedback loop and the influx must not only be amplified but also be delayed. Is there any good starting point to implement such models Image and equations Shown below.


twocompartment <- function(t, var, pars) {
  with(as.list(c(pars, var)), {
    dCc <- -k12*Central + k21*r*Peripheral - k10*Central
    dCp <-  k12/r*Central - k21*Peripheral
     dCy <- -alpha * exp(-beta * cumexp) * cumexp + (Central - gamma) *H(Central - gamma) 
    dCs <- ks*kw*((neut/mature)^-0.2)*(1-exp(-u*cumexp))- ks * neut
    dCw <- -kw * mature + (t-k) * neut
    list(c(dCc,dCp,dCy,dCs,dCw)) }) }
D <- 500 # Dose (in mg)
Vc <- 5.0 # Volume of distribution in Central (in L)
Vp <- 10.0 # Volume of distribution in Peripheral (in L)
C0 <- c(Central = D/Vc, Peripheral = 0,cumexp=0,neut=0,mature=3) # Initial concentration (in mg/L)

times <- seq(0, 40, 0.1) # (in hours)
pars <- c(k12 = 1.2, k21 = 1.5, k10 = 0.04, r = Vp/Vc,Rs = 1, d = 0.1, k = 1.65, kw = 1, ks = 0.5, theta = 1, W = 100, K = 100,
          alpha = 0.85, beta = 1.5*10-4, gamma = 0.2,u=5.6*10-4,s=s0) 
sol <- ode(times = times, y = C0, 
           func = twocompartment, parms = pars)

my model does not simulate for some reason.
below is the source for this. The only difference is 2 vs 3 compartment

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The parameter s=s0 is unused, and s0 is undefined, consider removing s from the list of parameters pars.
The function H is not defined. If this is the heaviside function, you can use the logical comparison ( (Central - gamma) >= 0 ), which evaluates to 1 if Central is larger than gamma.
You will also have a problem with the term with a negative exponent (neut/mature)^-0.2; when neut is 0.0, this will evaluate to Inifinity.

There are two ways you can delay the feedback loop. If your feedback depends on a variable z, you can

  1. Introdude a linear chain:
    dx1/dt = beta*(z - x1)
    dx2/dt = beta*(x1 - x2)
    dx3/dt = beta*(x2 - x3)

The variable x3 will be a lagged version of z. This method increase the number of variables in your system.

  1. Use an explicit delay, by evaluating z at t-tau: z(t-tau). To solve differential equations with delays, you will need to use the delay differential equation solver dede in the library deSolve.

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