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Last active November 22, 2021 07:33
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Brings up Galoy's Infrastructure
set -e
# Check requirements
if [[ $(which gh) == "" ]] || [[ $(which gcloud) == "" ]] || [[ $(which terraform) == "" ]] || [[ $(which jq) == "" ]]; then
echo "You will need to install gh, gcloud, jq and terraform to proceed."
exit 1
# Move to a created folder
TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d -p $(pwd) -t infra.XXXXXX)
# Download infra repo and move into GCP example
gh repo clone GaloyMoney/galoy-infra
cd galoy-infra/examples/gcp
# Login to GCloud
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login
read -p "Do you already have a GCP Project with Billing Setup for this test (Y/n)? [default: n] " HAS_GCP_PROJECT
if [[ $HAS_GCP_PROJECT == "Y" ]]; then
read -p "Your GCP Project ID: " GCP_PROJECT_ID
# Making the project
export GCP_PROJECT_ID="galoy-infra-test-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)-$(openssl rand -hex 2)"
gcloud projects create $GCP_PROJECT_ID --set-as-default
# Set Billing
gcloud alpha billing accounts list --uri > /tmp/gcp-billing-accounts
echo "Your Billing Accounts:"
cat -n /tmp/gcp-billing-accounts
read -p "? Account Number: " GCP_BILLING_ACCOUNT
GCP_BILLING_ACCOUNT=$(sed -n $(echo $GCP_BILLING_ACCOUNT)p /tmp/gcp-billing-accounts | sed 's/.*\/\(.*\)/\1/')
rm /tmp/gcp-billing-accounts
echo "Linking $GCP_PROJECT_ID with Billing Account $GCP_BILLING_ACCOUNT"
gcloud alpha billing projects link $GCP_PROJECT_ID --billing-account $GCP_BILLING_ACCOUNT
# Read some variables
read -p "? Name Prefix: " NAME_PREFIX
read -p "? Your Email Address: " USER_EMAIL
# Terraform Variables
cat <<EOF > bootstrap/terraform.tfvars
name_prefix = "$NAME_PREFIX"
gcp_project = "$GCP_PROJECT_ID"
cat <<EOF > inception/
users = [
id = "user:$USER_EMAIL"
inception = true
platform = true
logs = true
# Running Bootstrap stage
echo yes | TF_VAR_tf_state_bucket_force_destroy=true make bootstrap
# Inception stage
echo yes | GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=$(cat inception-sa-creds.json) make inception
# Add SSH Key to be able to SSH because OSLogin 2FA is set up on bastion
gcloud compute os-login ssh-keys add --key="$(cat ~/.ssh/"
# Might take some seconds for Computer Instance to enable SSH
echo "Waiting for 60s..."
sleep 60
# Ready bastion with all the files here
export BASTION_USER="$(echo $USER_EMAIL | sed 's/[.@]/_/g')"
export ADDITIONAL_SSH_OPTS="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa"
export GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=$(cat inception-sa-creds.json)
# Fetch bastion IP
pushd inception
BASTION_IP="$(terraform output bastion_ip | jq -r)"
# SSH and start the platform
cd galoy-infra/examples/gcp; \
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=\$(pwd)/inception-sa-creds.json; \
echo yes | make initial-platform && echo yes | make platform"
echo "Galoy Infra deployment is now complete."
echo "You can SSH into the Bastion (2FA enabled) using \"ssh $BASTION_USER@$BASTION_IP\""
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