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  • Save sandyUni/8847199 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sandyUni/8847199 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* test some performance between this and parent
function microtime_float()
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
$time_start = microtime_float();
$time_end = microtime_float();
$time = $time_end - $time_start;
class base1{
public $a;
class base2{
public static $a;
class sonfrombase1 extends base1{
public function __construct($b) {
public function run(){
class sonfrombase2 extends base2{
public function __construct($b) {
public function run(){
$son1=new sonfrombase1(0);
$time_start = microtime_float();
$time_end = microtime_float();
echo 'son1: ';
echo $time_end-$time_start;
echo '<br>';
$son2=new sonfrombase2(0);
$time_start = microtime_float();
$time_end = microtime_float();
echo 'son2: ';
echo $time_end-$time_start;
echo '<br>';
echo "static has high performance: up to ";
echo ($thistime-$parenttime)/$parenttime;
echo "% time comsuming";
echo "local has high performance: up to ";
echo ($parenttime-$thistime)/$thistime*100;
echo "% time comsuming";
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