- Clone the Pirate Audio GitHub repo and install:
git clone https://github.com/pimoroni/pirate-audio
cd pirate-audio/mopidy
sudo ./install.sh
Detailed Pirate Audio installation instructions can be found here.
Create an app password on your Google account page here.
Install the Mopidy GMusic extension:
sudo pip install mopidy-gmusic
- Edit the Mopidy config file to add the Google Music settings
sudo nano /etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf
then the following lines to the bottom of the file, with your Google username and app password:
enabled = true
username = johnnyappleseed@gmail.com
password = abcdefghijklm
deviceid = mac
- Reboot your Raspberry Pi:
sudo reboot
Go to the URL shown on the Pirate Audio display, then click on "Iris".
Your music will be available in the "Browse" section, and should get added to the Artists, Albums, and Playlists sections if you go to "Settings" and then click "Run local scan".