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Last active March 16, 2023 15:55
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Commonly used commands when developing with the angular-fullstack Yeoman generator. #angular

Cheat sheet

Update npm and install the necessary packages

$ sudo npm install -g npm
$ sudo npm install -g yo grunt-cli gulp-cli bower generator-angular-fullstack

Create a folder for your project and cd into it

$ mkdir my-new-project && cd $_
$ yo angular-fullstack [app-name]

Build the solution with Grunt or Gulp

$ grunt build

Run server and client tests (grunt/gulp)

$ grunt test

Run server, client, or end-to-end tests (grunt/gulp)

$ grunt test:server
$ grunt test:client
$ grunt test:e2e

Run the application in dev mode (grunt/gulp)

$ grunt serve

Run the application in production mode (grunt/gulp)

$ grunt serve:dist

Client: Create a Products page

Create the route. This will create the route, controller, template, CSS, and test file.

$ yo angular-fullstack:route products

Create a products factory or service (the model). A service returns a constructor function (the "this" keyword is available) so we need the "new" operator. A factory gets the value returned by invoking the function. It allows creating a closure where the returned object exposes "public" methods.

$ yo angular-fullstack:factory products

Steps to do in the code:

  1. Edit the product factory/service to return the products data.
  2. By convention the name of services/factories are capitalized so update it from products to Product.
  3. Inject the product factory into the product controller and make it available to the view through $scope.
  4. Edit the HTML template to use the products exposed through $scope.

Server: Create a Products API

$ yo angular-fullstack:endpoint product
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