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Created September 19, 2010 08:23
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Python subset
a = 1
b = 1
i = 2
n = 10
while i < n
c = a + b
a = b
b = c
i = i + 1
program := statements
statements := statement*
statement := while | assign
while := "while" expr INDENT statements DEDENT
assign := VAR "=" expr NL
expr := term | term "+" term | term "<" term
term := VAR | NUM
tokens = [
("VAR", "a"), ("=",), ("NUM", "1"), ("NL",),
("VAR", "b"), ("=",), ("NUM", "1"), ("NL",),
("VAR", "i"), ("=",), ("NUM", "2"), ("NL",),
("VAR", "n"), ("=",), ("NUM", "10"), ("NL",),
("while",), ("VAR", "i"), ("<",), ("VAR", "n"), ("INDENT",),
("VAR", "c"), ("=",), ("VAR", "a"), ("+",), ("VAR", "b"), ("NL",),
("VAR", "a"), ("=",), ("VAR", "b"), ("NL",),
("VAR", "b"), ("=",), ("VAR", "c"), ("NL",),
("VAR", "i"), ("=",), ("VAR", "i"), ("+",), ("NUM", "1"), ("NL",),
i = 0
class Error(Exception):
def match(kind):
if i >= len(tokens):
token = tokens[i]
return token[0] == kind
def match_one(kinds):
token = tokens[i]
return token[0] in kinds
def eat(kind):
global i
if match(kind):
i = i + 1
raise Error
def get(kind):
global i
if match(kind):
token = tokens[i]
i = i + 1
return token
raise Error
def get_one(kinds):
global i
if match_one(kinds):
token = tokens[i]
i = i + 1
return token
raise Error
def program():
l = statements()
return "program", l
def statements():
l = []
while True:
s = statement()
if not s: break
return l
def statement():
if match("while"): return while_()
if match("VAR"): return assign()
def while_():
e = expr()
l = statements()
return "while", e, l
def assign():
v = get("VAR")
e = expr()
return "assign", v, e
def expr():
t1 = term()
ops = ["+", "<"]
if match_one(ops):
op = get_one(ops)[0]
t2 = term()
return op, t1, t2
return t1
def term():
if match("VAR"): return get("VAR")
if match("NUM"): return get("NUM")
raise Error
def interpret(p):
kind = p[0]
if kind == 'program':
statements = p[1]
for statement in statements:
elif kind == 'while':
expr = p[1]
statements = p[2]
while True:
e = evaluate(expr)
if not e: break
for statement in statements:
elif kind == 'assign':
name = p[1][1]
expr = p[2]
state[name] = evaluate(expr)
def evaluate(e):
kind = e[0]
if kind == 'VAR':
name = e[1]
return state[name]
elif kind == 'NUM':
number = e[1]
return int(number)
elif kind == '+':
e1 = evaluate(e[1])
e2 = evaluate(e[2])
return e1 + e2
elif kind == '<':
e1 = evaluate(e[1])
e2 = evaluate(e[2])
return e1 < e2
state = {}
p = program()
print state['b']
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