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Yaroslav Tkachenko sap1ens

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davideicardi /
Last active March 8, 2023 15:05
Write and read Avro records from bytes array

Avro serialization

There are 4 possible serialization format when using avro:

Getting Started in Scala

This is my attempt to give Scala newcomers a quick-and-easy rundown to the prerequisite steps they need to a) try Scala, and b) get a standard project up and running on their machine. I'm not going to talk about the language at all; there are plenty of better resources a google search away. This is just focused on the prerequisite tooling and machine setup. I will not be assuming you have any background in JVM languages. So if you're coming from Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Haskell, or anywhere…  I hope to present the information you need without assuming anything.

Disclaimer It has been over a decade since I was new to Scala, and when I was new to Scala, I was coming from a Java and Ruby background. This has probably caused me to unknowingly make some assumptions. Please feel free to call me out in comments/tweets!

One assumption I'm knowingly making is that you're on a Unix-like platform. Sorry, Windows users.

Getting the JVM

r39132 /
Created May 18, 2016 18:04
Writing Avro Without A Schema in Python
import avro.schema
import io, random
from import DatumWriter, DatumReader
# Path to user.avsc avro schema
schema = avro.schema.parse(open(schema_path).read())
cb372 /
Last active May 14, 2024 03:45
Category theory jargon cheat sheet

Category theory jargon cheat sheet

A primer/refresher on the category theory concepts that most commonly crop up in conversations about Scala or FP. (Because it's embarassing when I forget this stuff!)

I'll be assuming Scalaz imports in code samples, and some of the code may be pseudo-Scala.


A functor is something that supports map.

gregoryyoung / gist:a3e69ed58ae066b91f1b
Created June 24, 2015 13:25
Event Sourcing as 3 functions.
f(events) -> state
match f(state, event) -> state
f(state, command) -> events
eihsu / ml-spark-syllabus
Created April 12, 2015 18:25
Syllabus for "Introduction to Machine Learning on Apache Spark"
Machine Learning in Broad Strokes
+ Mathematical vs. Intuitive Basis for Machine Learning
+ Basic Machine Learning Tasks
+ Supervised Learning
+ Unsupervised Learning
+ Reinforcement Learning
Spark in Broad Strokes
+ Architecture of a Spark Application
+ [Hands-On]: Familiarization with the Spark Shell
acolyer /
Last active June 20, 2024 08:47
Internet Scale Services Checklist

Internet Scale Services Checklist

A checklist for designing and developing internet scale services, inspired by James Hamilton's 2007 paper "On Desgining and Deploying Internet-Scale Services."

Basic tenets

  • Does the design expect failures to happen regularly and handle them gracefully?
  • Have we kept things as simple as possible?
// Restify Server CheatSheet.
// More about the API:
// Install restify with npm install restify
// 1.1. Creating a Server.
var restify = require('restify');
colestanfield / gist:fac042d3108b0c06e952
Created August 8, 2014 22:55
sbt-assembly merge strategy for aop.xml files
// Create a new MergeStrategy for aop.xml files
val aopMerge: MergeStrategy = new MergeStrategy {
val name = "aopMerge"
import scala.xml._
import scala.xml.dtd._
def apply(tempDir: File, path: String, files: Seq[File]): Either[String, Seq[(File, String)]] = {
val dt = DocType("aspectj", PublicID("-//AspectJ//DTD//EN", ""), Nil)
val file = MergeStrategy.createMergeTarget(tempDir, path)
kelvinn /
Created July 24, 2014 02:55
Example of using Apache Bench (ab) to POST JSON to an API
# post_loc.txt contains the json you want to post
# -p means to POST it
# -H adds an Auth header (could be Basic or Token)
# -T sets the Content-Type
# -c is concurrent clients
# -n is the number of requests to run in the test
ab -p post_loc.txt -T application/json -H 'Authorization: Token abcd1234' -c 10 -n 2000