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Last active June 9, 2022 06:42
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Global error handling using axios interceptor for http calls

How to use it

I am assuming you have a Laravel app with axios installed.

  1. Run npm install izitoast --save to pull the iziToast
  2. Create a resources/assets/js/services folder and place toast.js and errorHandler.js in it.
  3. Now open the resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js and add following:
window.axios = require('axios');
window.axios.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';

  1. Thats it, now you should be seeing toast notification on request fail.

Turn off gloabl error handling for specific call

You can turn off the global error handling for a specific request by passing {errorHandle: false} as config in axios call.

axios.get('/user/1', {errorHandle: false}).then((response) => {
    console.log('Everything is awesome.');
}).catch((error) => {
    // handle this error here
    console.warn('Not good man :(');
import axios from 'axios'
import toast from './toast'
function errorResponseHandler(error) {
// check for errorHandle config
if( error.config.hasOwnProperty('errorHandle') && error.config.errorHandle === false ) {
return Promise.reject(error);
// if has response show the error
if (error.response) {
// apply interceptor on response
response => response,
export default errorResponseHandler;
import 'izitoast/dist/css/iziToast.min.css'
import iZtoast from 'izitoast'
const toast = {
error: (message, title = 'Error') => {
return iZtoast.error({
title: title,
message: message,
position: 'bottomCenter'
success: (message, title = 'Success') => {
return iZtoast.success({
title: title,
message: message,
position: 'bottomCenter'
export default toast;
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cosecantt commented Aug 11, 2018

Please change:

{ handleErrors: false } to { errorHandle: false }

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saqueib commented Sep 13, 2018

@cosecantt thanks for pointing out, silly typo fixed it 😠

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Thanks man! Just was looking for this.

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josegus commented Oct 21, 2018

Please, excuse if i'm wrong, but whenever i change to { handleError: true } in my component axios call, i still getting whatever my .then() callback does. I mean, i can see the toast message but the process go throught .then() callback anywhere. I think this is because the incerceptor still need to return something, and if (error.response) { toast.. } is returning nothing

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@josegus also facing this issue - did you come up with a solution?

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@josegus me either. any solution?

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I found it! axios/axios#960

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It is better to add return Promise.reject(error); at the end.

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Typo in "Turn on gloabl error handling for specific call"

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Thanks a lot. Working Good

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This doesn't seem to work with axios 0.19.x. Any idea how to pass the errorHandle flag in the latest version of axios?

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This makes sense... You can also try this approach I use personally guys medium article

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devinrhode2 commented Sep 10, 2020

I am using something like this

    // From axios github readme:
    if (error.response) {
      // The request was made and the server responded with a status code
      // that falls out of the range of 2xx
      // toast.error(; // TODO setup toast notification here
    } else if (error.request) {
      // The request was made but no response was received
      // `error.request` is an instance of XMLHttpRequest in the browser and an instance of
      // http.ClientRequest in node.js
    } else {
      // Something happened in setting up the request that triggered an Error
      console.error("Error", error.message);
    console.error("full error object", error);

    // modified from
    // you can individually handle an error for any ajax call by doing this:
    // axios
    //   .get("/user/1", { handleErrorLocally: true })
    //   .then((response) => console.log("Everything is awesome."))
    //   .catch((error) => {
    //     // handle this error here
    //     console.warn("Not good man :(");
    //   });
    if (
      error.config.hasOwnProperty("handleErrorLocally") &&
      error.config.handleErrorLocally === true
    ) {
        "error.config has handleErrorLocally property, returning error object"
      return Promise.reject(error);
    } else {
      // Throwing in this interceptor may be incorrect behavior in some circumstances,
      // please feel free to change this.
      throw new Error("request failed");

Although I think @Godofbrowser's medium article is pretty great. Typescript is great, but I'm not yet that committed to typescript enough to use interface and class ComposedAjaxError implements ComposedError` although I feel that day is coming soon, I'm holding out for optional static typing to become standardized in ES

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