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Created November 21, 2021 17:35
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Astro v0.21.0 - differences that aren't bugs/breaking changes

What's DIFFERENT (but not necessarily buggy/breaking) in Astro 0.21.0 ???

1. How to include a layout in .md files

Previously, front matter REQUIRED a layout property (e.g. layout: ../../layouts/MarkdownPostLayout.astro) Now, it's ALSO OK to include your layout as an import in "setup":

setup: |
  import Layout from '../../layouts/BlogPost.astro'
  import SomeOtherComponent from '../../components/SomeOtherComponent.astro'
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delucis commented Nov 21, 2021

2. Expressions in props no longer work if surrounded by ""

Previously the following would work in an Astro component (perhaps unintentionally?). The value expression would be populated as expected.

<OtherAstroComponent prop="{value}">

Now, the surrounding quotes need to be removed:

<OtherAstroComponent prop={value}>

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delucis commented Nov 21, 2021

3. Inline components inside <Markdown> break some rendering

Previously the following:

Text: <Component />

Text: <Component />

Would include the full line in paragraph tags:

<p>Text: <component elements /></p>
<p>Text: <component elements /></p>

Now it fails to generate the <p> tags:

Text: <component elements />
Text: <component elements />

Which causes everything to be on a single line (assuming the component isn’t a block element). One needs to explicitly include the <p> tags. This seems like slightly undesirable behaviour, but I don’t know how easy it is to address if this is handled by a third-party Markdown parser.

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4. In .md files, descriptions in square brackets can no longer include double quotation marks. (Single are fine)

X Breaking: ![My first "real" app](/images/image.jpg)

✓ Working: ![My first 'real' app](/images/image.jpg)

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5. Importing to use the <Markdown> component in .astro files now requires curly braces, whereas older versions were lenient

X Breaking:

 import Markdown from 'astro/components';

✓ Working:

 import { Markdown } from 'astro/components';

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