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Created August 25, 2021 06:18
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terraform output
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# aws_lightsail_instance.vps will be replaced, as requested
-/+ resource "aws_lightsail_instance" "vps" {
~ arn = "arn:aws:lightsail:eu-central-1:422874730227:Instance/f5d87ed2-85f3-4dc4-8adf-5c87fd49ff83" -> (known after apply)
~ cpu_count = 1 -> (known after apply)
~ created_at = "2021-08-25T06:03:29Z" -> (known after apply)
~ id = "vps" -> (known after apply)
~ ipv6_address = "2a05:d014:c17:e500:216a:baed:35f8:44ae" -> (known after apply)
~ ipv6_addresses = [
- "2a05:d014:c17:e500:216a:baed:35f8:44ae",
] -> (known after apply)
~ is_static_ip = true -> (known after apply)
- key_pair_name = "LightsailDefaultKeyPair" -> null
name = "vps"
~ private_ip_address = "" -> (known after apply)
~ public_ip_address = "" -> (known after apply)
~ ram_size = 1 -> (known after apply)
- tags = {} -> null
~ tags_all = {} -> (known after apply)
- user_data = (sensitive) -> null # forces replacement
~ username = "ec2-user" -> (known after apply)
# (3 unchanged attributes hidden)
# aws_lightsail_static_ip_attachment.vps must be replaced
-/+ resource "aws_lightsail_static_ip_attachment" "vps" {
~ id = "StaticIp-1" -> (known after apply)
~ instance_name = "vps" -> (known after apply) # forces replacement
~ ip_address = "" -> (known after apply)
# (1 unchanged attribute hidden)
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