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Last active June 21, 2023 14:48
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clr = brewer.pal(3,"Set1")
# unrelated samples
N = 50000
# heritability parameter
h2g = 0.4
# shared environment parameter
h2c = 0.4
# environment parameter
h2e = 1 - h2g - h2c
# storing estimates here:
all.rge = seq(-0.9,0.9,by=0.05)
all_h2twin_est = rep(NA,length(all.rge))
all_h2g_est = rep(NA,length(all.rge))
all_h2twin_asym_est = rep(NA,length(all.rge))
for ( i in 1:length(all.rge) ) {
rge = all.rge[i]
# --- simulate unrelated individuals with a fixed heritability
# simulate genetic value
gv = scale(rnorm(N))
# simulate rGE environment
ev = scale(rge * gv + sqrt(1 - rge^2) * scale(rnorm(N)))
# put together the heritable phenotype, "shared" environment here is just noise
y = sqrt(h2g) * gv + sqrt(h2e) * ev + sqrt(h2c) * scale(rnorm(N))
# estimate:
h2g_est = cor( y , gv )^2
all_h2g_est[i] = h2g_est
# --- generate MZ and DZ twins
shared_env = scale(rnorm(N))
# generate MZ twins
gv_MZ1 = scale(rnorm(N))
gv_MZ2 = scale(gv_MZ1)
# give them the rge and the shared environment
ev_MZ1 = scale(rge * scale(gv_MZ1) + sqrt(1 - rge^2) * scale(rnorm(N)))
ev_MZ2 = scale(rge * scale(gv_MZ2) + sqrt(1 - rge^2) * scale(rnorm(N)))
# generate phenotypes
y_MZ1 = scale(sqrt(h2g) * gv_MZ1 + sqrt(h2e) * ev_MZ1 + sqrt(h2c) * shared_env)
y_MZ2 = scale(sqrt(h2g) * gv_MZ2 + sqrt(h2e) * ev_MZ2 + sqrt(h2c) * shared_env)
# generate a DZ twin with genetic correlation of 0.5
gv_DZ1 = scale(rnorm(N))
gv_DZ2 = scale(sqrt(0.5^2) * scale(gv_DZ1) + sqrt(1-0.5^2) * scale(rnorm(N)))
# give them the rge and the shared environment
ev_DZ1 = scale(rge * scale(gv_DZ1) + sqrt(1 - rge^2) * scale(rnorm(N)))
ev_DZ2 = scale(rge * scale(gv_DZ2) + sqrt(1 - rge^2) * scale(rnorm(N)))
# generate phenotypes
y_DZ1 = scale(sqrt(h2g) * gv_DZ1 + sqrt(h2e) * ev_DZ1 + sqrt(h2c) * shared_env)
y_DZ2 = scale(sqrt(h2g) * gv_DZ2 + sqrt(h2e) * ev_DZ2 + sqrt(h2c) * shared_env)
# estimate under the ACE model
rmz = cor(y_MZ1,y_MZ2)
rdz = cor(y_DZ1,y_DZ2)
A_est = 2*(rmz-rdz)
all_h2twin_est[i] = A_est
# --- Alternatively, generate DZs with the E term set by one of the twins (including their rGE)
shared_env = scale(rnorm(N))
# generate MZ twins
gv_MZ1 = scale(rnorm(N))
gv_MZ2 = scale(gv_MZ1)
ev_MZ1 = scale(rge * scale(gv_MZ1) + sqrt(1 - rge^2) * scale(rnorm(N)))
ev_MZ2 = scale(rge * scale(gv_MZ2) + sqrt(1 - rge^2) * scale(rnorm(N)))
# randomly select a twin shared environment
if( sample(2,1) == 1 ) {
twin_shared = ev_MZ1
} else {
twin_shared = ev_MZ2
y_MZ1 = scale(sqrt(h2g) * gv_MZ1 + sqrt(h2e) * twin_shared + sqrt(h2c) * shared_env)
y_MZ2 = scale(sqrt(h2g) * gv_MZ2 + sqrt(h2e) * twin_shared + sqrt(h2c) * shared_env)
# generate a DZ twin with genetic correlation of 0.5
gv_DZ1 = scale(rnorm(N))
gv_DZ2 = scale(sqrt(0.5^2) * scale(gv_DZ1) + sqrt(1-0.5^2) * scale(rnorm(N)))
# give them the rge and the shared environment
ev_DZ1 = scale(rge * scale(gv_DZ1) + sqrt(1 - rge^2) * scale(rnorm(N)))
ev_DZ2 = scale(rge * scale(gv_DZ2) + sqrt(1 - rge^2) * scale(rnorm(N)))
# randomly select a twin shared environment
if( sample(2,1) == 1 ) {
twin_shared = ev_DZ1
} else {
twin_shared = ev_DZ2
y_DZ1 = scale(sqrt(h2g) * gv_DZ1 + sqrt(h2e) * twin_shared + sqrt(h2c) * shared_env)
y_DZ2 = scale(sqrt(h2g) * gv_DZ2 + sqrt(h2e) * twin_shared + sqrt(h2c) * shared_env)
# estimate under the ACE model
rmz = cor(y_MZ1,y_MZ2)
rdz = cor(y_DZ1,y_DZ2)
A_est = 2*(rmz-rdz)
all_h2twin_asym_est[i] = A_est
# --- plot figure
plot( 0 , 0 , type="n" , xlim=c(-0.9,0.9) , ylim=c(0,1) , las=1 , xlab="G-E Correlation", ylab="Heritability" , main="Estimated heritability vs Gene-Environment correlation " )
lines( all.rge , all_h2g_est , col=clr[1] , lwd=3 )
points(all.rge,all_h2g_est , col=clr[1],pch=19)
lines( all.rge , all_h2twin_est , col =clr[2] ,lwd=3 )
points(all.rge,all_h2twin_est , col=clr[2],pch=19)
lines( all.rge , all_h2twin_asym_est , col =clr[3] ,lwd=3 )
points(all.rge,all_h2twin_asym_est , col=clr[3],pch=19)
# Purcell et al 2002 expectation:
# 2*(rmz-rdz) = var(a) + 2 * a e r
# rescaled expectation from purcell et al. 2002
exp_a = h2g + (1-h2g) * 2 * sqrt(h2g) * sqrt(h2e) * all.rge
lines( all.rge , exp_a , lty=1 , lwd=2 )
legend("bottomright",legend=c("Purcell et al. 2002", "SNP h2","Twin h2 (A) random E","Twin h2 (A) E from sib"),pch=19,col=c("black",clr),bty="n")
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