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# ---
# Code to estimate and simulate selection on healthy individuals (controls) for a threshold trait
# Updated with alternative simulation setup (producing the same result) and averaging to get smoother curves
# ---
# --- Estimate using the Breeder's Equation for threshold traits (Walsh & Lynch 2018; Dempster & Lerner 1950)
# We will select on being "healthy" where 1-prev of the population is healthy
ThresholdSelection <- function( FractionHealthy, Heritability ) {
# Number of markers
M = 2e3
# Number of people
N = 1e3
# frequencies in the ancestral population
# fst parameters
# frequency in one population
p_b = 0.2
# scan of frequencies in the second population
p_a = seq(0.01,0.99,by=0.01)
# estimate using Hudson's Fst
seeds = 10
x = seq(1,10,by=0.001)
all_u_coefs = seq(-5,5,by=0.1)
# lin reg
all_bs = rep(NA,length(all_u_coefs))
for ( i in 1:length(all_u_coefs) ) {
u_coef = all_u_coefs[i]
cur_r = rep(NA,seeds)
# simple factor analysis example
# ---
# lavaan for factor analysis
# --- parameters
# number of people
N = 1e3
# number of factors
# --- admixture analysis
# sample size
N = 5e3
# mate correlation
AM_cor = 0.75
# variance in ancestry transmission
genetic_sd = 0.025
# number of samples in each study
N = 2e3
# number of studies to run
seeds = 50
# vectors for storing results
est_a = rep(NA,seeds)
est_c = rep(NA,seeds)
est_e = rep(NA,seeds)
est_y1 = rep(NA,seeds)
# sample size
N = 10e3
# generate two groups
group = rbinom( N , 1 , 0.5 )
# generate group-specific environments
shared_env = rnorm(N,group*-15,1)
args = as.numeric(commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE))
# N,M,var_direct,var_indirect
# code for implementation of REML:
# Num individuals
N = 1e3
sashagusev / am_ld.R
Last active September 15, 2023 13:47
# Num individuals
N = 10e3
# Num markers
M = 10
# Assortative Mating
AM_cor = 0.75
# Minor allele frequency
maf = 0.5
# Heritability