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Last active May 6, 2024 23:35
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# ---
# Code to estimate and simulate selection on healthy individuals (controls) for a threshold trait
# Updated with alternative simulation setup (producing the same result) and averaging to get smoother curves
# ---
# --- Estimate using the Breeder's Equation for threshold traits (Walsh & Lynch 2018; Dempster & Lerner 1950)
# We will select on being "healthy" where 1-prev of the population is healthy
ThresholdSelection <- function( FractionHealthy, Heritability ) {
# --- Estimate the mean liability in the healthy population
ProbitFraction = probitlink(FractionHealthy)
# Derived in WL 14.6 using the inverse:
# ProbitFraction = -1 * probitlink(1 - FractionHealthy)
# Sanity check: pnorm(ProbitFraction) should equal FractionHealthy
# --- Estimate the selection differential
# Derived in WL 14.9 when only cases (in this case healthy) are selected
Selection = dnorm(ProbitFraction) / FractionHealthy
# --- Estimate the new healthy fraction in response to selection
NewFractionHealthy = pnorm( ProbitFraction + Heritability * Selection )
# Derived in WL 14.7 using the inverse:
# FractionHealthyNew = 1 - pnorm( -1 * ProbitFraction - Heritability * Selection )
return( NewFractionHealthy )
# --- Simulate under the liability threshold model (here cases are cases)
SimulatedSelection <- function( Prevalence , Heritability , N = 50e3 ) {
LiabThreshold = qnorm(1-Prevalence)
# Simulate offspring as parents plus transmission variance
# gv_dad = rnorm(N)
# gv_mum = rnorm(N)
# y_dad = sqrt(Heritability) * gv_dad + rnorm(N,0,sqrt(1-Heritability))
# y_mum = sqrt(Heritability) * gv_mum + rnorm(N,0,sqrt(1-Heritability))
# gv_kid = (0.5) * gv_dad + (0.5) * gv_mum + sqrt(0.5)*rnorm(N,0,1)
# y_kid = sqrt(Heritability) * gv_kid + rnorm(N,0,sqrt(1-Heritability))
# Simulate from parent haplotypes
gv_dad_a = rnorm(N)
gv_dad_b = rnorm(N)
gv_mum_a = rnorm(N)
gv_mum_b = rnorm(N)
gv_dad = sqrt(Heritability*0.5) * gv_dad_a + sqrt(Heritability*0.5) * gv_dad_b
gv_mum = sqrt(Heritability*0.5) * gv_mum_a + sqrt(Heritability*0.5) * gv_mum_b
y_dad = gv_dad + rnorm(N,0,sqrt(1-Heritability))
y_mum = gv_mum + rnorm(N,0,sqrt(1-Heritability))
# Simulate offspring
gv_kid = sqrt(Heritability*0.5) * gv_dad_a + sqrt(Heritability*0.5) * gv_mum_a
y_kid = gv_kid + rnorm(N,0,sqrt(1-Heritability))
# Select only the kids with healthy parents
keep = y_dad < LiabThreshold & y_mum < LiabThreshold
NewPrev = mean(y_kid[keep]>LiabThreshold)
# estimate the new heritability of liability
NewHeritability = cor( gv_kid[keep] , y_kid[keep] )^2
return( c(NewPrev,NewHeritability) )
# --- Results for schizophrenia-like phenotype
# Prevalance of the disease
Prev = 0.01
# Heritability
Heritability = 0.8
NewPrev = 1 - ThresholdSelection( 1 - Prev , Heritability )
cat( "Breeder's Equation:" , "Starting Prevalance:" , Prev , "; New Prevalance:" , NewPrev , "; Ratio:" , NewPrev / Prev , '\n' )
NewPrev = SimulatedSelection( Prev , Heritability )[1]
cat( "Liability Threshold Sim:" , "Starting Prevalance:" , Prev , "; New Prevalance:" , NewPrev , "; Ratio:" , NewPrev / Prev , '\n' )
# --- Compute across several different heritabilities
hsq_try = c(0.1,0.2,0.5,0.8)
prev_try = c(0.001,0.005,seq(0.01,0.1,by=0.01))
results_breeder = matrix(NA,nrow=length(hsq_try),ncol=length(prev_try))
results_sim = matrix(NA,nrow=length(hsq_try),ncol=length(prev_try))
seeds = 10
for( h in 1:length(hsq_try) ) {
Heritability = hsq_try[h]
for ( i in 1:length(prev_try) ) {
results_breeder[h,i] = 1 - ThresholdSelection( 1 - prev_try[i] , Heritability )
# simulate more people for very common phenotypes
res = rep(NA,seeds)
for ( s in 1:seeds ) {
res[s] = SimulatedSelection( prev_try[i] , Heritability , N=1e4/prev_try[i] )[1]
results_sim[h,i] = mean(res)
# --- Visualize
clr = rev(brewer.pal(9,"Blues"))
for ( h in c(2,4) ) {
plot( prev_try , results_breeder[h,]/prev_try , ylim=c(0.5,1) , log="x" , xlab="Starting Prevalance" , ylab="New / Starting Prevalance" ,las=1 , type="l" , lwd=2 , col="gray" , main=paste("Heritability = ",hsq_try[h],sep=''))
lines( prev_try , results_sim[h,]/prev_try , col=clr[h] ,lwd=2 )
points( prev_try , results_sim[h,]/prev_try , col=clr[h] , pch=19 )
legend("bottomleft",legend=c("Breeder's Equation","Simulation"),col=c("gray",clr[h]) , lty=c(1,1) , lwd=c(2,2) , bty="n")
plot( prev_try , prev_try , type="n" , bty="n" , log="x" , xlab="Starting Prevalance" , ylab="Simulation / Equation Prevalance" , ylim=c(0.8,1.1), las=1 , main="Ratio of New Prevalances")
for( h in 1:length(hsq_try) ) {
lines( prev_try , results_sim[h,]/results_breeder[h,] , col=clr[h] , lwd=1.5)
points( prev_try , results_sim[h,]/results_breeder[h,] , col=clr[h] , cex=0.5 , pch=19)
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