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Created October 10, 2023 18:44
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# number of samples in each study
N = 2e3
# number of studies to run
seeds = 50
# vectors for storing results
est_a = rep(NA,seeds)
est_c = rep(NA,seeds)
est_e = rep(NA,seeds)
est_y1 = rep(NA,seeds)
est_y2 = rep(NA,seeds)
# Name of models
Mode_title = c("0","1 SD","2 SD")
# Data frame for storing all results
df_all = data.frame("Difference" = vector() , "Parameter" = vector() , "Estimate" = vector() )
# Run three different scenarios
for ( MODE in 1:3 ) {
# run each study
for ( s in 1:seeds ) {
# sample group membership
group = rbinom(N,1,0.15)
# set the variance parameters
if ( MODE == 1 ) {
h2g = 0.2
h2c = 0.33
h2e = 1 - h2g - h2c
rgc = 0
# add group differences
group_offset = 0
} else if (MODE == 2 ) {
h2g = 0.22
h2c = 0.25
h2e = 1 - h2g - h2c
rgc = 0
# add group differences
group_offset = -1
} else if (MODE == 3 ) {
h2g = 0.29
h2c = 0
h2e = 1 - h2g - h2c
rgc = 0
# add group differences
group_offset = -2
# --- generate MZs
# generate MZ twins
gv_MZ1 = scale(rnorm(N))
gv_MZ2 = scale(gv_MZ1)
# generate shared environment (when rgc is 0 this is just a standard normal)
shared_env = scale(rgc * scale(gv_MZ1+gv_MZ2) + sqrt(1 - rgc^2) * scale(rnorm(N)))
ev_MZ1 = rnorm(N)
ev_MZ2 = rnorm(N)
# generate phenotypes
y_MZ1 = group_offset * group + sqrt(h2g) * gv_MZ1 + sqrt(h2e) * ev_MZ1 + sqrt(h2c) * shared_env
y_MZ2 = group_offset * group + sqrt(h2g) * gv_MZ2 + sqrt(h2e) * ev_MZ2 + sqrt(h2c) * shared_env
# --- generate DZs
gv_DZ1 = scale(rnorm(N))
gv_DZ2 = scale(sqrt(0.5^2) * scale(gv_DZ1) + sqrt(1-0.5^2) * scale(rnorm(N)))
# generate shared environment (when rgc is 0 this is just a standard normal)
shared_env = scale(rgc * scale(gv_DZ1+gv_DZ2) + sqrt(1 - rgc^2) * scale(rnorm(N)))
ev_DZ1 = rnorm(N)
ev_DZ2 = rnorm(N)
# generate phenotypes
y_DZ1 = group_offset * group + sqrt(h2g) * gv_DZ1 + sqrt(h2e) * ev_DZ1 + sqrt(h2c) * shared_env
y_DZ2 = group_offset * group + sqrt(h2g) * gv_DZ2 + sqrt(h2e) * ev_DZ2 + sqrt(h2c) * shared_env
# statistics for ACE twin model
rmz = cor(y_MZ1,y_MZ2)
rdz = cor(y_DZ1,y_DZ2)
# estimate under the ACE model
A_est = 2*(rmz-rdz)
C_est = 2*rdz - rmz
E_est = 1 - rmz
# store the rsults
est_a[s] = A_est
est_c[s] = C_est
est_e[s] = E_est
# rescale and store the trait in case we want to plot it
y = scale(y_DZ1) * (15) + 100
est_y1[s] = mean(y[group==0])
est_y2[s] = mean(y[group==1])
df = data.frame("Difference" = Mode_title[MODE] , "Parameter" = c(rep("Y1",seeds),rep("Y2",seeds),rep("A",seeds),rep("C",seeds),rep("E",seeds)) , "Estimate" = c(est_y1,est_y2,est_a,est_c,est_e) )
df_all = rbind(df_all,df)
# --- plot the model results
df_all$Difference = as.factor(df_all$Difference)
df = df_all[df_all$Parameter != "Y1" & df_all$Parameter != "Y2",]
ggplot(df, aes(x=Parameter, y=Estimate , fill=Difference )) + geom_violin(trim=TRUE) +
theme_minimal() + stat_summary(, fun.args = list(mult = 1),
geom="pointrange", color="black",
shape = 18, size = 0.75,
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9)) + ylim(0,0.6) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="Purples")
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