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Created June 18, 2023 02:12
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# Standard function for simulating survival with a Weibull baseline hazard
# baseline hazard: Weibull
# x = feature/covariate to simulate from
# lambda = scale parameter in h0()
# rho = shape parameter in h0()
# beta = fixed effect parameter
simulWeib <- function(x, lambda, rho, beta )
N = length(x)
# Weibull latent event times
v = runif(n=N)
tstop = (- log(v) / (lambda * exp(x * beta)))^(1 / rho)
event = rep(1,N)
# data set
df = data.frame(id=1:N,
# simulate feature with direct effect on the first outcome
N_tot = 5e3
# causal hazard ratio for the primary event
hr1 = 1.5
all_hr2 = c(0.5,1,2)
# offsets the competing event
# set this to 10 to minimize competing effects
event2_offset = 0
# for plotting
clr = brewer.pal(3,"Set1")
clr = c(clr[2],clr[1])
for ( i in 1:length(all_hr2) ) {
cur_hr2 = all_hr2[i]
# simulate feature with direct effect on primary outcome
x = rbinom(N_tot,1,0.5)
event1 = simulWeib( x , lambda=0.0001, rho=3.5, beta = log(hr1) )
# simulate feature with direct effect on a competing outcome
event2 = simulWeib( x , lambda=0.0001, rho=3.5, beta = log(cur_hr2) )
event2$tstop = event2$tstop + event2_offset
# censor on second event and estimate using cause-specific model
cs_event = event1
compete = cs_event$tstop > event2$tstop
cs_event$tstop[ compete ] = event2$tstop[ compete ]
cs_event$event[ compete ] = 0
cs_fit <- coxph(Surv(tstop, event) ~ x , data=cs_event )
cshr = summary(cs_fit)$coef[1,2]
cat( cshr , '\n' )
# estimate using Fine-Gray model
cr_event = event1
compete = cr_event$tstop > event2$tstop
cr_event$tstop[ compete ] = event2$tstop[ compete ]
cr_event$event[ compete ] = 2
crr_fit = crr(cr_event$tstop, cr_event$event,cr_event$x)
sdhr = summary(crr_fit)$coef[1,2]
cat( sdhr , '\n' )
# plot
kmfit = survfit(Surv(tstop, event) ~ x, data=cs_event)
ttl = paste("Competing HR=",round(cur_hr2,2),"\nCSHR=",round(cshr,2)," SDHR=",round(sdhr,2),sep='')
plot( kmfit , fun="event" , col=paste(clr,50,sep=''),lwd=4,las=1 , xlab="Time", ylab="Cumulative Incidence",main=ttl)
crr_ci = cuminc(cr_event$tstop, cr_event$event,cr_event$x)
lines( crr_ci[["0 1"]]$time , crr_ci[["0 1"]]$est , col=clr[1] , lty=3 , lwd=2 )
lines( crr_ci[["1 1"]]$time , crr_ci[["1 1"]]$est , col=clr[2] , lty=3 , lwd=2 )
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