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Last active April 4, 2019 19:59
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Sabbaticals: Have Your Cake And Eat It Too

I love the saying "Have your cake and eat it too" but in this case it's more like, Sabbaticals: Keep Your Job And Take A Lot Of Time Off To Learn, Reset, And Regenerate.... or maybe this saying isn't working for this title.

Last year I took 2 months off of work. It was a unique, wonderful, privileged existence, and the best decision I've made in years. Even though I wasn't getting paid, I had a job, health insurance, and time to do whatever I wanted.

Why would my company offer a sabbatical?

I hear employee retention is a good thing! The tech industry is prone to high turnover. Things move fast here and the people want to move with it! This is good except that employee turnover is expensive, disruptive, and often a bad sign. I've worked at Tandem for almost 5 years and with several other employees for 4+ years, so I want to say our retention rate is high. This is because there are clear processes and policies to help employees feel supported, valued, and cared for. The newest addition being the sabbatical policy!

Tandem's policies keep people around

PTO: we have great PTO and on top of that there are floating holidays, traditional holidays, sick days, work from home days; all kinds of days to keep us feeling fresh and focused.

Core hours: a healthy work/life balance with it's core hours being from 10am-4pm. This ensures that we are all working together for most of the day but provides flexibility for morning people / nighthawks. We here are wise enough to know that an overworked team can lead to poor performance, bad decisions, and negativity.

An amazing office manager: This is not a policy but thanks to our incredible office manager, we are gifted with delicious breakfasts and lunches, beautifully curated snack shelves, La Croix dedicated refrigerators, and seasonal fruit bowls. Each of these are curated per our requests. Thank you Jeffrey for taking such good care of us!

Benefits: 100% paid medical, dental, vision, life, etc insurance. Probably deserves more credit but what else is there to say?

A mission statement that cares about everyone: "We always focus first on people — our clients, their customers, and our team — and what we make and how we make it reflects our understanding, respect, and love for people." The employees are considered a vital part of the process. As a small consultancy living in the competitive tech industry, we have maintained a culture of care and compassion that helps set us apart.

At this point you may be thinking, "cool but um, if things are so great, why did you need a sabbatical?"

Great Q. These 5 years at Tandem have been the best. But shit happens and I found myself in need of a break--a break that no reasonable amount of PTO could provide.

Introducing The Sabbatical!

Tandem's sabbatical policy is still hanging in a Pull Request on GitHub but insiders tell me the handbook is being revamped and the policy will be merged soon!

The official documentaion states: "To reward employees who have been with Tandem for a significant period of time, Tandem offers employees an option to take a sabbatical. This gives employees an opportunity to explore new skills, cultures, and ideas. Sabbaticals bring creativity and innovation back to Tandem upon an employee’s return."

I may make a PR adding the importance of the sabbaticalee's mental health, considering we all know that's key to good work! And as that was my main objective, I think it paid off :)

My sabbatical gave me life. Pre-sabbatical I was in a bad place and I was hurting the team in my broken state. Like a randomly failing spec, I was unreliable, hard to fix, and annoying.

Post-sabbatical, I was rejuvenated, refreshed, ready to be a part of the process, ready to get to work! My mental test suite was back to green and consistent AF. My positivity and productivity was restored. And even though it's been almost a year since I left, these effects have stuck with me, and I don't feel them dwindling.

There are so many reasons to take sabbatical. Regardless of the reason, if it's available to you I hope you consider taking it!

Take it, it's yours!

achilles says, "take it, it's yours"

Policies, resources, people in favor of short-term leave:

If your company does not have a sabbatical policy in place, here are some resources that could help you make your case! If it does, here are some resources that may inspire you to take it!

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Sash! This is great! Seriously! I can't wait for Kels to publish it on the blog so I can share it everywhere. It's going to be an amazing recruiting tool. I think you did a really good job portraying Tandem, what you like about it, and how the Sabbatical helped you without getting too in the weeds with the heavy stuff.

Just some small typos/notes:

  • line 1: privelaged privileged
  • line 3 of Why would my company offer a sabbatical?: alomst almost
  • line 2 of PTO: I would replace real holidays with traditional holidays
  • line 2 of An amazing office manager: seasoal seasonal
  • line 3 of Leadership that cares about us: competitvie competitive
  • I did not know that was our missions statement, love it!
  • sabbaticalee's -> Great word!
  • second to last line: There are so many reasons to take sabbatical

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