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Created March 25, 2014 18:05
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<td class="title"><a href="">Clojure 1.6 released</a>
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<span id=score_7465874>144 points</span>by <a href="user?id=Morgawr">Morgawr</a> 2 hours ago | <a href="item?id=7465874">44 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href=";utm_medium=social&amp;;utm_campaign=buffer">We’re Fucked, It’s Over: Coming Back from the Brink</a>
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<span id=score_7465666>154 points</span>by <a href="user?id=rajbala">rajbala</a> 3 hours ago | <a href="item?id=7465666">68 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">Waze Co-Founder Skips Google to Try Startup World Again</a>
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<span id=score_7466549>31 points</span>by <a href="user?id=gwendolynregina">gwendolynregina</a> 1 hour ago | <a href="item?id=7466549">7 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">Introductions to advanced Haskell topics</a>
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<span id=score_7466351>32 points</span>by <a href="user?id=davidkellis">davidkellis</a> 1 hour ago | <a href="item?id=7466351">8 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">Y Combinator Winter 2014 Batch Rankings and Quick Reference</a>
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<span id=score_7466409>27 points</span>by <a href="user?id=daniellegeva">daniellegeva</a> 1 hour ago | <a href="item?id=7466409">12 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">Show HN: GPG emails for everyone, from everywhere – open sourced</a>
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<span id=score_7466412>25 points</span>by <a href="user?id=radiospiel">radiospiel</a> 1 hour ago | <a href="item?id=7466412">32 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">Firefox OS: Tracking reflows and event loop lags</a>
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<span id=score_7466749>13 points</span>by <a href="user?id=bpierre">bpierre</a> 36 minutes ago | <a href="item?id=7466749">discuss</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">Make Flappy Box – DIY Game Kit</a>
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<span id=score_7466499>19 points</span>by <a href="user?id=jinrummie">jinrummie</a> 1 hour ago | <a href="item?id=7466499">6 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">Projects that power GitHub</a>
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<span id=score_7466524>18 points</span>by <a href="user?id=waffle_ss">waffle_ss</a> 1 hour ago | <a href="item?id=7466524">4 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">Gracefully Dropping Support for Dinosaur Browsers in Trello </a>
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<span id=score_7466548>14 points</span>by <a href="user?id=joeyespo">joeyespo</a> 1 hour ago | <a href="item?id=7466548">2 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">Firefox Dev Tools: Box model highlighter, Web Console improvements</a>
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<span id=score_7466680>11 points</span>by <a href="user?id=rnyman">rnyman</a> 45 minutes ago | <a href="item?id=7466680">1 comment</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">Show HN: Learn Web Development for Free with The Odin Project</a>
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<span id=score_7466487>15 points</span>by <a href="user?id=eriktrautman">eriktrautman</a> 1 hour ago | <a href="item?id=7466487">5 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">Crosswalk</a>
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<span id=score_7466404>17 points</span>by <a href="user?id=josephwegner">josephwegner</a> 1 hour ago | <a href="item?id=7466404">4 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">Google propels Linux to the top</a>
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<span id=score_7466147>21 points</span>by <a href="user?id=taylorbuley">taylorbuley</a> 2 hours ago | <a href="item?id=7466147">17 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="item?id=7466512">Lead Front-End Developer for FlightCar (YC W13)</a>
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<td class="subtext">1 hour ago</td>
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<td class="title"><a href=";pagewanted=all&amp;_r=0">Who Needs a Boss?</a>
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<span id=score_7465124>72 points</span>by <a href="user?id=HSO">HSO</a> 5 hours ago | <a href="item?id=7465124">49 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">Could do for crypto what GitHub did for Git?</a>
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<span id=score_7465036>116 points</span>by <a href="user?id=matthewsinclair">matthewsinclair</a> 5 hours ago | <a href="item?id=7465036">104 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">Mylar: A platform for building secure web applications</a>
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<span id=score_7465015>68 points</span>by <a href="user?id=gphilip">gphilip</a> 5 hours ago | <a href="item?id=7465015">16 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">Cognitive Lode – Brain gems for decision-makers</a>
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<span id=score_7465034>66 points</span>by <a href="user?id=famfamfam">famfamfam</a> 5 hours ago | <a href="item?id=7465034">22 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">2048 game to the Atari 2600 VCS</a>
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<span id=score_7466097>26 points</span>by <a href="user?id=postit">postit</a> 2 hours ago | <a href="item?id=7466097">8 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">CSS Diner</a>
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<span id=score_7461797>475 points</span>by <a href="user?id=dtournemille">dtournemille</a> 19 hours ago | <a href="item?id=7461797">109 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Show HN: A simple way to sell your digital products and accept Bitcoin </a>
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<span id=score_7466743>5 points</span>by <a href="user?id=zferland">zferland</a> 37 minutes ago | <a href="item?id=7466743">2 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">Facebook Refused No-Poaching Agreement With Google</a>
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<span id=score_7462854>306 points</span>by <a href="user?id=byoogle">byoogle</a> 16 hours ago | <a href="item?id=7462854">246 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Official Gmail Blog: A new, more visual way to view your Promotions tab</a>
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<span id=score_7466984>3 points</span>by <a href="user?id=rkudeshi">rkudeshi</a> 6 minutes ago | <a href="item?id=7466984">1 comment</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Google Cloud Platform Live</a>
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<span id=score_7466767>4 points</span>by <a href="user?id=dudus">dudus</a> 34 minutes ago | <a href="item?id=7466767">1 comment</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Microsoft makes source code for MS-DOS and Word for Windows available to public</a>
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<span id=score_7466952>3 points</span>by <a href="user?id=hornokplease">hornokplease</a> 10 minutes ago | <a href="item?id=7466952">discuss</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Radical Islam Website Readers May Be Prosecuted</a>
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<span id=score_7466950>3 points</span>by <a href="user?id=cgtyoder">cgtyoder</a> 10 minutes ago | <a href="item?id=7466950">discuss</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Finished 2048? Try 65536</a>
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<span id=score_7466580>5 points</span>by <a href="user?id=rmc">rmc</a> 57 minutes ago | <a href="item?id=7466580">discuss</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">A decentralized anonymous marketplace</a>
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<span id=score_7464372>87 points</span>by <a href="user?id=cyberviewer">cyberviewer</a> 9 hours ago | <a href="item?id=7464372">57 comments</a>
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<td class="title"><a href="">The tourist map of flash drives</a>
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<span id=score_7465980>43 points</span>by <a href="user?id=no_gravity">no_gravity</a> 2 hours ago | <a href="item?id=7465980">49 comments</a>
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