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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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from collections import namedtuple
Parents = namedtuple('Parents', ['mother', 'father'])
from itertools import zip_longest
from collections import Counter, abc
class FrozenCounter(Counter):
def __hash__(self):
"Implements hash(self) -> int"
if not hasattr(self, '_hash'):
self._hash = hash(frozenset(self.items()))
return self._hash
def chunks(l, n):
Yield successive n-sized chunks from l.
return zip(*[iter(l)] * n)
class Gene(abc.Hashable, abc.Set):
def __init__(self, alleles):
self.alleles = tuple(sorted(alleles))
def _verify(self):
assert len(self.alleles) == 2
assert self.alleles[0].lower() == self.alleles[1].lower()
def __contains__(self, allele):
return allele in self.alleles
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.alleles)
def __len__(self):
return 2
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.alleles)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Gene(\'' + ''.join(self.alleles) + '\')'
def __str__(self):
return ''.join(self.alleles)
def dominant(self):
return self.alleles[0].isupper()
def recessive(self):
return not self.dominant
assert repr(Gene('aA') == "Gene('Aa')")
assert repr(Gene('rR') == "Gene('rR')")
assert Gene('rr').recessive
assert Gene('Rr').dominant
assert Gene('RR').dominant
from itertools import product, chain
class Genotype(abc.Hashable, abc.Set):
def __init__(self, alleles):
self._traits = tuple(map(Gene, chunks(alleles, 2)))
def __contains__(self, gene):
return gene in self._traits
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._traits)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._traits)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self._traits)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Genotype(\'' + ''.join(map(str, self._traits)) + '\')'
def __str__(self):
return ''.join(map(str, self._traits))
def from_nested(cls, nested_genes):
return cls(chain(*nested_genes))
assert repr(Genotype('AabB') == "Genotype('AaBb')")
assert repr(Gene('rR')) == repr(Gene('Rr'))
assert Genotype.from_nested([['A', 'a'], ['B', 'b']]) == Genotype('AaBb')
from functools import partial
def all_genotype_parents_from_structure(structure):
Returns all the possible parents given a phenotypicaly structure
# ['Aa', 'Bb', ...]
all_alleles = [([trait[0][0].upper(), trait[0][0].lower()]) for trait in structure]
# [['Aa', 'aa', ...], ['Bb', ...]]
product_twice = lambda l: tuple(product(l, repeat=2))
all_possible_gene_pairs = map(product_twice, all_alleles)
# [[['A', 'A'], ['B', 'b']], [['A', 'A'], ['B', 'b']], ...]
all_parents = product(*all_possible_gene_pairs)
# [Genotype('AABb'), Genotype('AABb'), ...]
all_parents = list(map(Genotype.from_nested, all_parents))
# [[Genotype('AABb'), Genotype('AABb')], [Genotype('AABb'), Genotype('AABB')], ...]
parent_combinations = product(all_parents, all_parents)
return set(map(FrozenCounter, parent_combinations))
assert FrozenCounter([Genotype('RRSS'), Genotype('RRSS',)]) in all_genotype_parents_from_structure((('red', 'yellow'), ('smooth', 'r')))
assert all_genotype_parents_from_structure((('red', 'yellow'), ),) == {FrozenCounter([Genotype('RR'), Genotype('RR',)]),
FrozenCounter([Genotype('RR'), Genotype('Rr',)]),
FrozenCounter([Genotype('RR'), Genotype('rr',)]),
FrozenCounter([Genotype('rr'), Genotype('rr',)]),
FrozenCounter([Genotype('Rr'), Genotype('Rr',)]),
FrozenCounter([Genotype('Rr'), Genotype('rr',)])}
def phenotype_from_genotype(genotype, structure):
return tuple(expression[0] if gene.dominant else expression[1] for gene, expression in zip(genotype, structure))
assert phenotype_from_genotype(Genotype('bbll'), (('black', 'white'), ('long', 'short'))) == ('white', 'short')
assert phenotype_from_genotype(Genotype('bb'), (('black', 'white'),)) == ('white', )
assert phenotype_from_genotype(Genotype('Bb'), (('black', 'white'),)) == ('black', )
def normalize_values(dictionary):
sum_values = sum(dictionary.values())
return dictionary.__class__({key: value / sum_values for key, value in dictionary.items()})
assert normalize_values({'_': 1.0})['_'] == 1.0
assert normalize_values({'_': 1.0, 'h': 1.0})['_'] == 0.5
product_from_iter = lambda l: product(*l)
def offspring_genotypes(parent_genotypes):
# [(Gene('Aa'), Gene('Aa')), (Gene('Bb'), Gene('Bb'))]
gathered_genes = zip(*parent_genotypes)
# [[('A', 'A'), ('A', 'a'), ('a', 'A'), ('a', 'a')], [('B', 'B'), ('B', 'b'), ('b', 'B'), ('b', 'b')]]
gene_combinations = map(product_from_iter, gathered_genes)
# [[('A', 'A'), ('B', 'B')], [('A', 'A'), ('B', 'b')], ...]
offspring = product_from_iter(gene_combinations)
# [Genotype('AABB'), Genotype('AABb'), ...]
offspring = map(Genotype.from_nested, offspring)
return Counter(offspring)
assert offspring_genotypes((Genotype('Aa'), Genotype('aa'))) == Counter({Genotype('Aa'): 2, Genotype('aa'): 2})
assert offspring_genotypes((Genotype('aa'), Genotype('aa'))) == Counter({Genotype('aa'): 4})
assert offspring_genotypes((Genotype('Aa'), Genotype('Aa'))) == Counter({Genotype('Aa'): 2, Genotype('aa'): 1, Genotype('AA'): 1})
assert offspring_genotypes((Genotype('AaBb'), Genotype('AaBb'))) == Counter({Genotype('AaBb'): 4,
Genotype('Aabb'): 2,
Genotype('AaBB'): 2,
Genotype('aaBb'): 2,
Genotype('AABb'): 2,
Genotype('aabb'): 1,
Genotype('AABB'): 1,
Genotype('aaBB'): 1,
Genotype('AAbb'): 1})
def pprint_parents_genotypes(parents_genotypes):
return ' (x) '.join(map(str, parents_genotypes))
assert pprint_parents_genotypes(Parents(Genotype('AA'), Genotype(('aa')))) == 'AA (x) aa'
def round_values(dictionary, round_p):
return dictionary.__class__({key: round(value, round_p) for key, value in dictionary.items()})
assert(round_values({'_': 1.9898}, 1) == {'_': 2.0})
from itertools import repeat
from collections import Counter
def parent_genotypes(parents_phenotypes, offspring_phenotypes, structure):
Returns the probabiblity of different parent genotypes, based on the phenotypes of the known children
and parents.
parents_genotypes_probability = Counter()
# lets try a brute force technique. get a combination of every possible parents genotypes and
# try them on the parents and offspring phenotypes to see if they match.
for trial_parents_genotypes in all_genotype_parents_from_structure(structure):
# first make sure that the parents work
trial_parents_phenotypes = map(phenotype_from_genotype, trial_parents_genotypes.elements(), repeat(structure))
if Counter(trial_parents_phenotypes) == Counter(parents_phenotypes):
# then we want to see if the real offspring are a subset of the children of those parents
trial_offspring_genotypes = offspring_genotypes(trial_parents_genotypes.elements())
trial_offspring_phenotypes = Counter(map(phenotype_from_genotype, trial_offspring_genotypes.elements(), repeat(structure)))
if set(offspring_phenotypes).issubset(set(trial_offspring_phenotypes)):
# then we know that those parents could actually be the right ones, however they might not be,
# so we also need to compute, how probable it is.
# one way to look at it is, if the `trial_parents` had `len(offspring_phenotypes)` kids, what percentage
# of the time would the phenotypes of their kids be `offspring_phenotypes`?
# that gives us the probability of getting the actual litter we have with these parents.
# then we can compare that probability to the other options, and see which one is more likely.
chance_that_offspring_came_from_trial_parents = 1
trial_offspring_phenotypes_percentiles = normalize_values(trial_offspring_phenotypes)
for offspring_phenotype in offspring_phenotypes:
# calculate the chance of getting each child, and since we are talking about succesion we multiply them
chance_that_offspring_came_from_trial_parents *= trial_offspring_phenotypes_percentiles[offspring_phenotype]
parents_genotypes_probability[pprint_parents_genotypes(trial_parents_genotypes.elements())] = chance_that_offspring_came_from_trial_parents
return normalize_values(parents_genotypes_probability)
assert parent_genotypes(Parents(('black',), ('black',)), (('black',),), (('orange', 'black'),),) == {'oo (x) oo': 1.0}
assert round_values(parent_genotypes(
('orange',): 100,
('orange', 'black'),
), 1) == {'Oo (x) Oo': 0.0, 'OO (x) OO': 0.5, 'OO (x) Oo': 0.5}
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