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Last active May 19, 2022 16:20
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Clove SSO schema
"user": {
"id": "(Required) String: The ID of the user logging into Clove",
"email": "String: The email address of the user",
"name": "String: Full name of the user",
"given_name": "String: First name of the user",
"family_name": "String: Last name of the user",
"custom_data": "Map: Arbitrary data container for your application",
"organization": {
"id": "(Required if organization key present) String: The ID of the organization this user belongs to",
"name": "String: Name of the organization",
"custom_data": "Map: Arbitrary data container for your application",
"assigned_team_members": "Array[String]: List of emails that are assigned to this org"
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