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Stephen Bussey sb8244

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sb8244 / sso.json
Last active May 19, 2022 16:20
Clove SSO schema
"user": {
"id": "(Required) String: The ID of the user logging into Clove",
"email": "String: The email address of the user",
"name": "String: Full name of the user",
"given_name": "String: First name of the user",
"family_name": "String: Last name of the user",
"custom_data": "Map: Arbitrary data container for your application",
"organization": {
"id": "(Required if organization key present) String: The ID of the organization this user belongs to",
<!-- Note: un-minified source code available at clove-embed.js -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
if ( !== window.self) {
const msg = {
urlChange: {
pathname: window.location.pathname,
href: window.location.href
}, '*')
{% if user %}
window.intercomSettings = {
app_id: "YOUR_APP_ID",
user_id: "{{ }}",
email: "{{ }}",
user_hash: "{{ | encrypt: "hmac", "YOUR_IDENTITY_VERIFICATION_SECRET" }}"
{% else %}
defmodule TestRouter do
def build(routes) do
contents =
quote do
use Plug.Router
plug :match
plug :dispatch, fn %{match: match, assign: assign} ->
sb8244 / contentful-import.json
Last active November 12, 2021 22:28
Clove Contentful Types
"contentTypes": [
"sys": {
"space": {
"sys": {
"type": "Link",
"linkType": "Space",
"id": "hq8sy8wk8n0y"
defmodule SteveTrollsElixir.Private do
defmacro __using__(_) do
quote do
import unquote(__MODULE__)
@on_definition {unquote(__MODULE__), :on_priv_def}
defmacro private() do
quote do
import { Pushex } from 'pushex'
import { getToken } from './tokenService'
const pushexOptions = {
getParams: () => getToken().then(({ token }) => Promise.resolve({ token })),
onConnectionError: pushex => {
sb8244 / cluster_loader_balancer.ex
Created July 30, 2019 19:59
ClusterLoadBalancer for balancing anything (WebSocket) across a cluster
# We use this ClusterLoadBalancer to prevent hot nodes in our load balanced setup.
# The WebSockets are provided by Phoenix through the PushEx application
# The load balancer's `Worker` module is where the bulk of the cluster orchestration happens, using pg2 for cross node communication
defmodule ClusterLoadBalancer.Behavior do
@moduledoc """
Behavior for implementing a ClusterLoadBalancer compatible tool.
@callback count() :: number
sb8244 / caching.ex
Last active May 23, 2024 07:29
Local/Distributed Caching
defmodule MyApp.AccountLookup.Cache do
@moduledoc """
Provides a cache that can be used for account lookups. This cache is backed by
Cachex for local storage and pg2 for remote distribution. Keys are set to expire
after 7-10 days (randomly distributed) in order to prevent stale data in our cache
over a long time period.
use Cachex.DistributedCache