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Last active December 7, 2021 15:20
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GloVe word embedding handling code for Python - improved fork of
import time
import io
import sys
from loguru import logger
import numpy
import tensorflow as tf
from ..polyfills.string import removeprefix, removesuffix
from .normalise_text import normalise as normalise_text
class GloVe:
Manages pre-trained GloVe word vectors.
Download pre-trained word vectors from here:
def __init__(self, filepath):
Initialises a new GloVe class instance.
filepath (string): The path to the file to load the pre-trained GloVe embeddings from.
super(GloVe, self).__init__() = {}
self.word_length = None
self.filepath = filepath
def load(self):
"""Loads the GloVe database from a given file."""
start = time.time()
handle =, "r")
for i, line in enumerate(handle):
parts = line.split(" ", maxsplit=1)
# We do NOT strip < and > here, because we do a lookup later on that.[parts[0]] = list(map(
lambda el: float(el),
parts[1].split(" ")
if self.word_length is None:
self.word_length = len([parts[0]])
# Update the CLI
if i % 10000 == 0:
sys.stderr.write(f"\rLoading GloVe from '{self.filepath}': {i}...")
sys.stderr.write(f" done in {round(time.time() - start, 3)}s.\n")
def lookup(self, token: str):
"""Looks up the given token in the loaded embeddings."""
key = token
if key not in
key = self.strip_outer(token) # Try removing < and >
if key not in
key = f"<{token}>" # Try wrapping in < and >
if key not in
return None # Give up
return[key] # We found it!
def strip_outer(self, str: str) -> str:
"""Strips < and > from the given input string."""
return removesuffix(removeprefix(str, "<"), ">")
def _tokenise(self, str: str):
"""Splits the input string into tokens using Keras."""
return tf.keras.preprocessing.text.text_to_word_sequence(
filters = ", \t\n",
lower = True, split = " "
def _normalise(self, str):
"""Normalises input text to be suitable to GloVe lookup."""
return normalise_text(str)
def word_vector_length(self):
"""Returns the length of a single word vector."""
return self.word_length
def tweetvision(self, str):
Convert a string to a list of tokens as the AI will see it.
Basically the same as .embeddings(str), but returns the tokens instead of the embeddings.
result = []
for i, token in enumerate(self._tokenise(str)):
if self.lookup(token) is None:
return result
def embeddings(self, str, length=-1):
Converts the given string to a list of word embeddings.
str (string): The string to convert to an embedding.
length (number): The number of tokens that the returned embedding should have. -1 (the default value) indicates that no length normalisation should be performed.
result = []
# TODO: Handle out-of-vocabulary words better than just stripping them
for i, token in enumerate(self._tokenise(str)):
embedding = self.lookup(token)
if embedding is None:
logger.debug(f"[DEBUG] {token} was none")
# Normalise the embedding length if we're asked to
if length > -1:
result = result[-length:]
shortfall = length - len(result)
for _ in range(shortfall):
return result
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import io
from pathlib import Path
import argparse
from loguru import logger
import json
# import tensorflow as tf
from lib.glove.glove import GloVe
Lifted directly from my main codebase. Some things you'll need to do before you can use this:
• The above imports will need to be adjusted (especially the GloVe one)
• Download a pre-trained GloVe ( and extract the ZIP
• Install loguru for logging (or just remove all calls) using pip ("sudo pip3 install loguru" for Linux; strip the "sudo" on Windows)
def main():
"""Main entrypoint."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="This program calculates the longest word embedding in a list of tweets.")
parser.add_argument("--glove", "-g", help="Filepath to the pretrained GloVe word vectors to load.")
parser.add_argument("tweets_jsonl", help="The input tweets jsonl file to scan.")
args = parser.parse_args()
if not Path(args.tweets_jsonl).is_file():
print("Error: File at '" + args.tweets_jsonl + "' does not exist.")
glove = GloVe(args.glove)
longest = 0
handle =, "r")
for i, line in enumerate(handle):
obj = json.loads(line)
result = glove.tweetvision(obj["text"])
if len(result) > longest:
longest = len(result)"\n\n\n\nTweet #{i} has length of {longest}:")"INPUT:")["text"])"\nOUTPUT:")
# print(tf.constant(glove.convert(args.input_string)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("This script must be run directly. It cannot be imported.")
Script for preprocessing tweets by Romain Paulus.
Translation of Ruby script to create features for GloVe vectors for Twitter data.
with small modifications by Jeffrey Pennington
with translation to Python by Motoki Wu
updated to Python 3 by Phil Pope (@ppope)
with bugfixes and improvements by Starbeamrainbowlabs (@sbrl)
• Tidy up code with help of linters
• Add spaces surrounding punctation and <token_blocks>
• Limit runs of whitespace to a single space
• Transliterate ’ to '
Ref original Ruby source
import sys
import re
# CHANGED 2021-11 after 2nd rerun: Handle ’ → ' and putting spaces before / after <allcaps>, [, and ]
def hashtag(text):
"""Handles hashtags."""
text =
hashtag_body = text[1:]
if hashtag_body.isupper():
result = " {} ".format(hashtag_body.lower())
# Was re.split(r"(?=[A-Z])", hashtag_body, flags=FLAGS)
# ref
result = " ".join(["<hashtag>"] + re.findall("^[a-z]+|[A-Z][^A-Z]*", hashtag_body, flags=FLAGS))
return result
def allcaps(text):
"""Handles all caps text."""
text =
return text.lower() + " <allcaps> "
# Convenience function to reduce repetition
def re_sub(pattern, repl, text):
return re.sub(pattern, repl, text, flags=FLAGS)
def normalise(text):
Preprocesses the given input textto make it suitable for GloVe.
This is the main function you want to import.
:param str text: The text to normalise.
# Different regex parts for smiley faces
eyes = r"[8:=;]"
nose = r"['`\-]?"
text = re_sub(r"https?:\/\/\S+\b|www\.(\w+\.)+\S*", " <url> ", text)
text = re_sub(r"@\w+", " <user> ", text)
text = re_sub(r"{}{}[)dD]+|[)dD]+{}{}".format(eyes, nose, nose, eyes), " <smile> ", text)
text = re_sub(r"{}{}p+".format(eyes, nose), " <lolface> ", text)
text = re_sub(r"{}{}\(+|\)+{}{}".format(eyes, nose, nose, eyes), " <sadface> ", text)
text = re_sub(r"{}{}[\/|l*]".format(eyes, nose), " <neutralface> ", text)
text = re_sub(r"/", " / ", text)
text = re_sub(r"<3", " <heart> ", text)
text = re_sub(r"[-+]?[.\d]*[\d]+[:,.\d]*", " <number> ", text)
text = re_sub(r"#\S+", hashtag, text)
text = re_sub(r"([!?.]){2,}", r" \1 <repeat> ", text)
text = re_sub(r"\b(\S*?)(.)\2{2,}\b", r" \1\2 <elong> ", text)
# -- I just don't understand why the Ruby script adds <allcaps> to everything so I limited the selection.
# text = re_sub(r"([^a-z0-9()<>'`\-]){2,}", allcaps)
text = re_sub(r"([A-Z]){2,}", allcaps, text)
# Added by @sbrl
text = re_sub(r"’", "'", text)
text = re_sub(r"([!?:;.,\[\]])", r" \1 ", text) # Spaces around punctuation
text = re_sub(r"\s+", r" ", text) # Limit runs of whitespace to a single space
return text.lower()
if __name__ == '__main__':
_, text = sys.argv
if text == "test":
text = "I TEST alllll kinds of #hashtags and #HASHTAGS, @mentions and 3000 ( w/ <3 :) haha!!!!!"
tokens = normalise(text)
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