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Created May 5, 2012 21:57
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*Jade> parseTest tag "bind(tag=\"longname\")\n\t| Einstein\n\t| and Others\n"
Element {elementTag = "bind", elementAttrs = [("tag","longname")], elementChildren = [TextNode "Einstein"]}
*Jade> parseTest (many1 tag) "bind(tag=\"longname\")\n\t| Einstein\n\t| and Others\nkit(l=\"k\")"
[Element {elementTag = "bind", elementAttrs = [("tag","longname")], elementChildren = [TextNode "Einstein"]}]
module Jade where
import Text.Parsec
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as L
import Text.Parsec.Language (emptyDef)
import Text.Parsec.Text (Parser)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Monad (mzero)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Text.XmlHtml as X
lexer = L.makeTokenParser emptyDef {
L.identStart = letter <|> oneOf "-_:",
L.identLetter = alphaNum <|> oneOf "-_:"
whiteSpace = L.whiteSpace lexer
lexeme = L.lexeme lexer
symbol = L.symbol lexer
natural = L.natural lexer
parens = L.parens lexer
semi = L.semi lexer
squares = L.squares lexer
stringLiteral = L.stringLiteral lexer
identifier = L.identifier lexer
reserved = L.reserved lexer
reservedOp = L.reservedOp lexer
commaSep1 = L.commaSep1 lexer
notSameIndent p = (eof >> return []) <|> do
pos <- getPosition
if sourceColumn p == sourceColumn pos then mzero else return []
block = do
pos <- getPosition
manyTill1 tag $ notSameIndent pos
tag = do
pos <- getPosition
try $ do
t <- lexeme $ textP <|> tagP
ts <- (eol >> return []) <|> block
case t of
e@(X.Element _ _ c) -> return $ e { X.elementChildren = c ++ ts }
n -> return n
tagP = do
t <- optionMaybe identifier
i <- optionMaybe $ char '#' >> identifier
c <- optionMaybe $ many1 $ char '.' >> identifier
a <- option [] $ parens $ commaSep1 attribute
if isJust t || isJust i || isJust c
then return $ X.Element {
X.elementTag = fromMaybe "div" $ fmap T.pack t,
X.elementAttrs = a ++ (concat $ map (fromMaybe []) $ [fmap ((:[]) . ((,) "id") . T.pack) i, fmap ((:[]) . ((,) "class") . (T.intercalate " ") . map T.pack) c]),
X.elementChildren = []
else mzero
textP = do
lexeme $ char '|'
txt <- many $ noneOf "\n"
return $ X.TextNode $ T.pack txt
attribute = do
k <- T.pack <$> identifier
symbol "="
cs <- T.pack <$> stringLiteral
return (k, cs)
manyTill1 p e = do
ms <- manyTill p e
if null ms then mzero else return ms
isInline p = do
p2 <- getPosition
if sourceLine p == sourceLine p2 then return [] else mzero
eol = newline <|> (eof >> return '\n')
isSameIndent p1 p2 = sourceColumn p1 == sourceColumn p2
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michaelt commented May 5, 2012

There is something wrong with textP, it only looks for one; this is probably inept but textsP here gets the right answer for the example at least.

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scan commented May 6, 2012

@michaelt A shame that gist of yours is deleted.

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michaelt commented May 6, 2012

Yeah, I saw the stackoverflow question, and my solution didn't work for the example you gave there. I think this is the same See the examples at the bottom. Maybe there's a clue in it. I didn't get to think about it too carefully. That S. Tetley said that significant indentation is rough was a little daunting...

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