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Created June 21, 2020 16:17
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# Notifies players with the 'bountyhunters.update-notify' perm
# node when they join the server if a new update is available
# for download. Requires a server reload when changed.
update-notify: true
# Use a MySQL database for bounty and player data.
# Make sure you manually create the specified database.
# Requires a server reload.
enabled: false
port: 3306
database: database_name
extra-args: ''
username: username
password: password
# Enable/disable plugin logging;
# requires a server reload when changed.
bounty-claim: true
bounty-expire: true
level-up: false
# When enabled, drops some purely cosmetic
# items whenever someone's bounty is claimed.
# Looks cool with CHEST, GOLD_NUGGET, REDSTONE...
enabled: true
material: GOLD_NUGGET
# Time players have to wait to do /bounty twice.
# In seconds.
bounty-set-restriction: 120
# When toggled on, claiming a bounty or killing a
# player illegaly will not longer display a death message.
auto-bounty: false
bounty-claim: false
# Automatically remove bounties if they have been inactive for a long time.
# Time is the amount of time in hours before a bounty is considered
# inactive if it is not updated (either claimed or someone increases it).
# 720 hours = 30 days, 360 hours = 15 days are good values
# Bounties are checked every 2min. In order to reduce
# chat spam, only 1 bounty can be removed every 5min.
# Changing this option requires a reload.
enabled: true
time: 720
# Setting any parameter to 'true' means a new restriction applies.
# Make sure you restart your server when changing one of these options.
# Players may not claim their own bounties.
own-bounties: true
# Players may not kill their friends to claim bounties. Supports:
# - BungeeFriends
# - PartyAndFriends
friends: false
# Players cannot claim bounties on players who
# have close bed spawn points (most likely friends).
enabled: false
# Blocks threshold
radius: 100
# Players may not kill members of the same town to claim bounties.
# Supports Towny.
town-members: false
# Players may ONLY claim bounties if
# they are tracking the bounty target.
targets-only: false
# Commands sent by the console when a player claims a bounty.
# {target} returns the target's name and {player} the claimer's
# name. Commands support PlaceholderAPI placeholders.
# When a player claims a bounty.
claim: []
# - '/give {player} minecraft:diamond 10'
# - '/tell {target} Someone claimed your bounty.'
# When a bounty is placed. {reward}
player: []
console: []
# When a player kills another player illegaly.
auto-bounty: []
# When a bounty is increased by {amount}
player: []
console: []
# When a player kills another player illegaly.
auto-bounty: []
# When enabled, it will automaticaly place a bounty onto any
# player who kills a player with no bounty on him (illegal kill).
enabled: true
# Bounty reward
reward: 200
# Chance of applying
chance: 95
# If the auto bounty should keep increasing a bounty if it's already set
increment: true
# Displays a different login message when a player
# logs on with a bounty. Requires /reload when changed.
format: '&e{player} joined the game with a &6${bounty}&e bounty!'
enabled: true
# When enabled, players have to bring the target's head back to the
# bounty creator and right click him in order to claim the bounty.
# Make sure you both disable 'drop-head.killer' and 'drop-head.creator'
# Reload your server when changing this option.
enabled: false
# Drops the player head when claming a bounty
# or give the head to the bounty creator.
# Drops the head on the ground.
enabled: false
chance: 100
# Give the head to the bounty creator or
# saves it in the bounty head GUI that
# can be opened using /redeembountyheads
enabled: false
chance: 100
# Player tracking lets player use a tracking compass to hunt
# down their bounty target. On the one hand, it gives an
# advantage to the hunters because they can find the player, but
# it also lets the target know how many players are tracking him.
enabled: true
# Permission needed to track a
# player and to buy the compass.
permission: ''
# Also displays particles around the
# target when holding the compass.
target-particles: true
# Price of the tracking compass.
price: 1000
# Cooldowns players need to wait before tracking a player.
cooldown: 240
# Min and max bounty rewards.
# Set max to 0 to remove the max restriction.
min-reward: 0
max-reward: 0
# Tax taken when creating a bounty (to fight abuse).
# In % of the money reward. Must be between 0 and 100.
bounty-creation: 15
# Tax taken when a player removes the bounty he set.
# Default is 17.8% because it corresponds to 30% of the
# initial amount when taking into account bounty creation tax
bounty-removal: 17.8
# Enables the display of death quotes when claiming a bounty.
display-death-quote-on-title: false
# Enables leveling rewards.
enable-level-rewards: true
# Displayed formatted numbers (1,345B instead of 1,345,416,416).
formatted-numbers: false
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