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Created April 4, 2022 12:31
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export const html = (staticArray, ...dynamic) => {
const stringArray = staticArray || [];
const array = (dynamic || []).map((singleDynamic, index) => {
const singleDynamicString = Array.isArray(singleDynamic) ? singleDynamic.join('') : singleDynamic
return `${stringArray[index] || ""}${singleDynamicString || ""}`;
const lastIndexStatic = stringArray.length - 1;
return `${array.join("")}${stringArray[lastIndexStatic]}`;
/** @param {Record<string, boolean>} conditions */
export const classList = (conditions) => {
const keys = Object.keys(conditions)
const map = (isValid, index) => isValid && keys[index]
return Object.values(conditions).map(map).filter(Boolean).join(' ')
export const router = (home, prefix) => {
const array = window.location.hash.slice(1).split('/').filter(Boolean)
const composites = array.reduce((result, value) => [`${result[0]}-${value}`, ...result], [prefix || 'path'])
const componentName = composites.reduce((result, name) => result || !window.customElements.get(name) ? result : name, null)
document.querySelector('[app]').innerHTML = html`<${componentName || home}></${componentName || home}>`
* @template {string} K
* @template {string} A
* @property {{Record<K, Record<string, (event: Event) => void | Promise<void>>>}} handlers
* @property {{Record<K, HTMLElement[]>}} elements
* @property {string[]} listeners
* @property {() => string} render
* @property {(type: string, any) => void} dispatch
export class Millimeter extends HTMLElement {
shadow = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'closed' })
render = () => { throw new Error('"render" method is required') }
* @param {Record<A, Record<string, (event: Event) => void | Promise<void>>>} [handlers]
* @param {Record<K, (attribute: string) => any>} [handlers]
constructor(attributes, handlers) {
super() = Object.keys(attributes).reduce((result, key) => ({
[key]: attributes[key](this.getAttribute(key)),
}), {})
this.handlers = handlers || {}
dispatch = (type, payload) => {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(type, { composed: true, bubbles: true, cancelable: true, detail: payload }));
callHandler = (event) => {
if (event.type === 'submit') event.preventDefault()
event.path.forEach(node => {
const key = node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute('key')
if (key && this.handlers[key] && this.handlers[key][event.type]) this.handlers[key][event.type](event)
connectedCallback() {
this.shadow.innerHTML = `<style>* { box-sizing: border-box }</style> ${this.render(}`
const elements = Array
.reduce((result, node) => ({ ...result, [node.getAttribute('key')]: node }), {})
const listeners = Object.keys(elements).reduce((result, key) => {
let innerListeners = []
const obj = this.handlers[key];
if (obj) Object.keys(obj).forEach((innerKey) => {
if (!result.includes(innerKey)) { innerListeners = [...innerListeners, innerKey] }
return [...result, ...innerListeners]
}, [])
if ( && Event('mount'))
listeners.forEach((type) => this.shadow.addEventListener(type, this.callHandler))
this.elements = elements
this.listeners = listeners
disconnectedCallback() {
if ( && Event('unmount'))
this.listeners.forEach((type) => this.shadow.addEventListener(type, this.callHandler))
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