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Last active June 28, 2021 16:53
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FMS Contact Us page HTML source code - page content (temporary shared file)
[% extra_js = [
] -%]
[% INCLUDE 'header.html',
title = loc('Contact Us')
robots = 'noindex,nofollow'
bodyclass = 'twothirdswidthpage'
<!-- header.html START -->
SET html_att = ' lang="' _ lang_code _ '"';
# For a right-to-left language, use the following line in your own header:
# SET html_att = html_att _ ' dir="rtl"';
<!doctype html>
<!--[if IE 9]> <html class="no-js ie9"[% html_att | safe %]><![endif]-->
<!--[if gt IE 9]><!--><html class="no-js"[% html_att | safe %]><!--<![endif]-->
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge,chrome=1">
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<meta name="mobileoptimized" content="0">
[% INCLUDE 'header_opengraph.html' %]
<!-- header_opengraph.html START -->
<meta property="og:url" content="[% c.cobrand.base_url %][% c.req.uri.path %]">
<meta property="og:title" content="[% title || site_name %]">
<meta property="og:site_name" content="[% site_name %]">
[% IF c.req.uri.path == '/' %]<meta property="og:description" content="[% loc('Report, view, and discuss local street-related problems.') %]">[% END %]
<meta property="og:type" content="website">
<!-- header_opengraph.html END -->
[% INCLUDE 'header_opengraph_image.html' %]
<!-- header_opengraph_image.html START -->
[% IF %]
[% photo = %]
[% data = problem.get_first_image_og %]
<meta property="og:image" content="[% c.cobrand.base_url %][% photo.url_og %]">
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<meta property="og:image:height" content="[% data.height %]">
[% ELSE %]
<meta property="og:image" content="[% c.cobrand.base_url %]/cobrands/fixmystreet/images/fms-og_image.jpg">
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<meta property="og:image:height" content="630">
[% END %]
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[% INCLUDE 'header/css.html' %]
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[% SET base_css = version('/cobrands/' _ c.cobrand.asset_moniker _ '/base.css') %]
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[% extra_css | safe %]
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[% INCLUDE 'common_header_tags.html' %]
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[% SET start = c.config.ADMIN_BASE_URL IF admin %]
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[% IF manifest_theme %]
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[% FOREACH icon IN manifest_theme.icons %]
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[% IF csrf_token %]
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var fixmystreet=fixmystreet||{};"[% page %]";fixmystreet.cobrand="[% c.cobrand.moniker %]";
(function(a){a=a.documentElement;a.className=a.className.replace(/\bno-js\b/,"js");var"(min-width: 48em)")?"desktop":"mobile";"IntersectionObserver"in window&&(a.className+=" lazyload");"mobile"==b&&(a.className+=' mobile[% " map-fullscreen only-map map-reporting" IF page == "around" || page == "new" %]')})(document);
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if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
[% IF robots %]
<meta name="robots" content="[% robots %]">
[% ELSIF c.config.STAGING_SITE %]
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE 'header_rss.html' %]
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[% IF rss %]
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="[% rss.0 %]" href="[% rss.1 %]">
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[% INCLUDE 'header/title.html' %]
<!-- header/title.html START -->
[% tprintf('%s :: ', title) IF title %]
[% site_name -%]
<!-- header/title.html END -->
[% IF bodyclass.match('frontpage') %]
<link rel="prefetch" href="[% version('/js/validation_rules.js') %]">
[%~ IF NOT c.user_exists OR NOT (c.user.from_body OR c.user.is_superuser) %]
<link rel="prefetch" href="[% version('/vendor/jquery-2.2.4.min.js') %]">
[%~ END %]
<link rel="prefetch" href="[% version('/vendor/jquery.multi-select.min.js') %]">
<link rel="prefetch" href="[% version('/vendor/jquery.validate.min.js') %]">
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[% END %]
[% IF NOT bodyclass.match('mappage') %]
[% FOR script IN map_js.merge(c.cobrand.call_hook('map_js_extra')) %]
<link rel="prefetch" href="[% IF script.match('^/'); version(script); ELSE; script; END %]">
[% END %]
<link rel="prefetch" href="[% version('/cobrands/fixmystreet/map.js') %]">
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[% END %]
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[% TRY %][% PROCESS 'header_extra.html' %][% CATCH file %][% END %]
<!-- header_extra.html START -->
<!-- N/A - header_extra.html does not exist in base, it's used if needed in some custom themes -->
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[% TRY %][% PROCESS 'set_body_class.html' %][% CATCH file %][% END %]
<!-- set_body_class.html START -->
<!-- N/A - set_body_class.html does not exist in base, it's used if needed in some custom themes -->
<!-- set_body_class.html END -->
<body class="[% bodyclass | html IF bodyclass %]">
<a class="skiplink" href="#content">[% loc('Skip to main content') %]</a>
[% INCLUDE 'debug_header.html' %]
<!-- debug_header.html START -->
[% IF c.config.STAGING_SITE and !c.config.STAGING_FLAGS.hide_staging_banner ~%]
<div class="dev-site-notice">
[% loc("Staging site") %]
[% END %]
<!-- debug_header.html END -->
[% TRY %][% PROCESS 'before_wrapper.html' %][% CATCH file %][% END %]
<!-- before_wrapper.html START -->
<!-- N/A - before_wrapper.html does not exist in base, it's used if needed in some custom themes -->
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<div class="wrapper">
<div class="table-cell">
[% INCLUDE 'header_site.html' %]
<!-- header_site.html START -->
<header id="site-header" role="banner">
<div class="container">
[% INCLUDE 'header_logo.html' %]
<!-- header_logo.html START -->
<a href="[% c.cobrand.base_url IF admin %]/" id="site-logo">[% site_name %]</a>
<a href="[% c.cobrand.base_url IF admin %]/" id="report-cta" title="[%- loc('Report a problem') -%]">[%- loc('Report') -%]</a>
<!-- header_logo.html END -->
<label id="nav-link" for="main-nav-btn" aria-expanded="false">[% loc('Main Navigation') %]</label>
<div class="nav-wrapper">
<div class="container">
[% INCLUDE 'main_nav.html' %]
<!-- main_nav.html START -->
# DEFAULT would make sense here, except it treats the empty string as falsy
# and some cobrands want to set ul_class to an empty string.
SET ul_class="nav-menu nav-menu--main" UNLESS ul_class.defined;
[% BLOCK navitem ~%]
<li [% liattrs | safe %]>
[%~ IF c.req.uri.path == uri AND NOT always_url ~%]
<span [% attrs | safe %]>[% label %]</span>
[%~ ELSE ~%]
<a href="[% uri %][% suffix IF suffix %]" [% attrs | safe %]>[% label %]</a>
[%~ END ~%]
[%~ END %]
[% UNLESS omit_wrapper %]
<div id="js-menu-open-modal"></div>
<input role="button" type="checkbox" id="main-nav-btn" autocomplete="off">
<nav id="main-nav" role="navigation">
[% END %]
<ul class="[% ul_class %]"[% " id='" _ ul_id _ "'" IF ul_id %]>
[% INCLUDE 'main_nav_items.html' %]
<!-- main_nav_items.html START -->
[% INCLUDE 'navigation/_report.html' %]
<!-- navigation/_report.html START -->
[%~ IF problem AND NOT problem.non_public ~%]
[%~ INCLUDE navitem uri='/report/new?longitude=' _ problem.longitude _ '&latitude=' _ problem.latitude label=loc('Report another problem here') attrs='class="report-a-problem-btn"' ~%]
[%~ ELSIF latitude AND longitude ~%]
[%~ INCLUDE navitem uri='/report/new?longitude=' _ longitude _ '&latitude=' _ latitude label=loc('Report a problem here') attrs='class="report-a-problem-btn"' ~%]
[%~ ELSIF homepage_template ~%]
[%~ INCLUDE navitem uri='/report' label=loc('Report a problem') attrs='class="report-a-problem-btn"' ~%]
[%~ ELSE ~%]
[%~ INCLUDE navitem uri='/' label=loc('Report a problem') attrs='class="report-a-problem-btn"' ~%]
[%~ END ~%]
<!-- navigation/_report.html END -->
[%~ IF c.user_exists ~%]
[%~ INCLUDE navitem uri='/my' label=loc('Your account') ~%]
[%~ ELSE ~%]
[%~ INCLUDE navitem uri='/auth' label=loc('Sign in') ~%]
[%~ END ~%]
[%~ IF c.user_exists AND c.user.has_body_permission_to('planned_reports') ~%]
[%~ INCLUDE navitem always_url=1 uri='/my/planned' label=loc('Shortlist') ~%]
[%~ END ~%]
[%~ INCLUDE 'navigation/_all_reports.html' ~%]
<!-- navigation/_all_reports.html START -->
IF c.user_exists AND c.user.from_body AND ( c.user.categories.size OR c.user.area_ids.size );
reports_uri = '/my/inspector_redirect';
reports_uri = '/reports';
IF c.cobrand.council_area;
body_name = c.cobrand.council_area | uri;
reports_uri = "${reports_uri}/${body_name}";
INCLUDE navitem uri=reports_uri label=loc('All reports');
<!-- navigation/_all_reports.html END -->
IF pc;
pc_uri = pc | uri;
pc_suffix = "/list?pc=" _ pc_uri;
INCLUDE navitem uri='/alert' label=loc('Local alerts') suffix=pc_suffix;
[%~ INCLUDE navitem uri='/faq' label=loc('Help') ~%]
[%~ UNLESS hide_privacy_link ~%]
[%~ INCLUDE navitem uri=c.cobrand.privacy_policy_url label=loc('Privacy') liattrs='class="nav-menu__item--privacy"' ~%]
[%~ END ~%]
[%~ IF c.user_exists AND c.cobrand.admin_allow_user(c.user) ~%]
[%~ INCLUDE navitem uri='/admin' label=loc('Admin') ~%]
[%~ END ~%]
<!-- main_nav_items.html END -->
[% UNLESS omit_wrapper %]
[% END %]
<!-- main_nav.html END -->
<!-- header_site.html END -->
<a name="content"></a>
[% pre_container_extra | safe %]
<!-- pre_container_extra is around/postcode_form.html START -->
<div id="front-main">
<div id="front-main-container">
[% UNLESS possible_location_matches %]
[% INCLUDE 'around/intro.html' %]
<!-- around/intro.html START -->
<h1>[% loc('Report, view, or discuss local problems') %]</h1>
<h2>[% loc('(like graffiti, fly tipping, broken paving slabs, or street lighting)') %]</h2>
<!-- around/intro.html END -->
[% END %]
question = c.cobrand.enter_postcode_text || loc('Enter a nearby street name and area');
<form action="[% c.uri_for('/around') %]" method="get" name="postcodeForm" id="postcodeForm" class="js-geolocate">
<label for="pc">[% question %]:</label>
[% INCLUDE 'around/_postcode_form_examples.html' %]
<!-- around/_postcode_form_examples.html START -->
<p class="form-hint" id="pc-hint">[% tprintf(loc('e.g. ‘%s’ or ‘%s’'), c.cobrand.example_places) %]</p>
<!-- around/_postcode_form_examples.html END -->
<input type="text" name="pc" value="[% pc | html %]" id="pc" size="10" maxlength="200" required aria-describedby="pc-hint">
[% INCLUDE 'around/_postcode_submit_button.html' attr='id="sub"' %]
<!-- around/_postcode_submit_button.html START -->
<input type="submit" [% attr | safe %] value="[%
IF c.cobrand.moniker == 'cheshireeast';
'Search for location';
END %]">
<!-- around/_postcode_submit_button.html END -->
[% IF partial_token %]
<input type="hidden" name="partial" value="[% partial_token.token %]">
[% END %]
[% IF c.get_param('filter_category') OR c.get_param('filter_group') %]
<input type="hidden" name="filter_category" value="[% c.get_param('filter_category') | html %]">
<input type="hidden" name="filter_group" value="[% c.get_param('filter_group') | html %]">
[% ELSIF c.user_exists AND c.user.categories.size %]
<input type="hidden" name="filter_category" value="[% c.user.categories_string | html %]">
[% END %]
[%~ SET link_params = {
geolocate = 1
IF c.get_param('filter_category'); link_params.filter_category = c.get_param('filter_category'); END;
IF c.get_param('filter_group'); link_params.filter_group = c.get_param('filter_group'); END;
<a href="[% c.uri_for('/around', link_params) | html %]" id="geolocate_link">[% INCLUDE 'around/geolocate_link_icon.html' %]
<!-- around/geolocate_link_icon.html START -->
<svg class="geolocate-link__icon" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><path d="M23.744.255a.874.874 0 01.18.974l-9.89 22.252a.874.874 0 01-1.603-.012l-3.568-8.332-8.334-3.57a.874.874 0 01-.01-1.602L22.77.075a.874.874 0 01.972.18h.002z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>
<svg class="geolocate-link__loading" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns=""><g fill="currentColor" fill-rule="nonzero"><path d="M16 8a8 8 0 11-8-8v2a6 6 0 106 6z"></path><circle cx="8" cy="1" r="1"></circle><circle cx="15" cy="8" r="1"></circle></g></svg>
<!-- around/geolocate_link_icon.html END -->
[% loc('Use my current location') %]</a>
[% UNLESS possible_location_matches OR location_error_pc_lookup %]
[% INCLUDE 'around/_postcode_form_post.html' %]
<!-- around/_postcode_form_post.html START -->
<!-- around/_postcode_form_post.html END -->
[% END %]
<!-- pre_container_extra is around/postcode_form.html END -->
<div class="container">
<div class="content[% " $mainclass" | html IF mainclass %]" role="main">
<!-- header.html END -->
[% INCLUDE 'about/_sidebar.html' %]
<!-- from cobrand: about/_sidebar.html START -->
<div class="sticky-sidebar">
<ul class="plain-list">
<li>[% INCLUDE link h='/faq' t=loc('Frequently Asked Questions') %]</li>
<li>[% INCLUDE link h='/about/posters' t='FixMyStreet Goodies' %]</li>
<li>[% INCLUDE link h='/about/house-rules' t='House Rules' %]</li>
<li>[% INCLUDE link h=c.cobrand.privacy_policy_url t=loc('Privacy and cookies') %]</li>
<li>[% INCLUDE link h='/contact' t=tprintf(loc("Contact %s", "%s is the site name"), site_name) %]</li>
[% BLOCK link -%]
<[% IF c.req.uri.path == h %]strong[% ELSE %]a href="[% h %]"[% END %]>
[%- t -%]
</[% IF c.req.uri.path == h %]strong[% ELSE %]a[% END %]>
[%- END %]
<!-- from cobrand: about/_sidebar.html END -->
[% IF c.cobrand.moniker == 'fixmystreet' %]
<h1>FixMyStreet technical support</h1>
[% ELSE %]
[% TRY %]
[% INCLUDE 'contact/_heading.html' %]
[% CATCH file %]
<h1>[% loc('Contact the team') %]</h1>
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE 'contact/form.html' %]
<!-- contact/form.html START -->
<form method="post" action="/contact/submit" class="validate">
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="[% csrf_token %]">
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="[% s %]">
[% INCLUDE 'errors.html' %]
<!-- errors.html START -->
[% FOREACH error IN errors %]
[% '<ul class="error">' IF loop.first %]
<li>[% error %]</li>
[% '</ul>' IF loop.last %]
[% END %]
<!-- errors.html END -->
[% IF update %]
[% loc('You are reporting the following update for being abusive, containing personal information, or similar:') %]
[% IF update.anonymous %]
[% tprintf( loc('Update below added anonymously at %s'), prettify_dt( update.confirmed ) ) %]
[% ELSE %]
[% tprintf( loc('Update below added by %s at %s'),, prettify_dt( update.confirmed ) ) | html %]
[% END %]
[%~ update.text | html ~%]
<input type="hidden" name="update_id" value="[% %]">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="[% update.problem_id %]">
[% ELSIF problem %]
[% IF moderation_complaint %]
<input type="hidden" name="m" value="[% moderation_complaint %]">
<p>[% loc('You are complaining that this problem report was unnecessarily moderated:') %]</p>
[% ELSE %]
[% INCLUDE 'contact/unsuitable-text.html' %]
<!-- from cobrand: contact/unsuitable-text.html START -->
[% loc('Does this report break our <a href="/about/house-rules">House Rules</a>? Use this form to let us know.') %]
<strong>[% loc('If you are trying to make a new report, please <a href="/">go to the front page</a> and follow the instructions.') %]</strong>
<!-- from cobrand: contact/unsuitable-text.html END -->
[% END %]
<h2>[% problem.title_safe | html %]</h2>
[% IF problem.anonymous %]
[% tprintf( loc('Reported anonymously at %s'), prettify_dt( problem.confirmed ) ) %]
[% ELSE %]
[% tprintf( loc('Reported by %s at %s'),, prettify_dt( problem.confirmed ) ) | html %]
[% END %]
[%~ problem.detail | html ~%]
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="[% %]">
[% ELSE %]
[% INCLUDE 'contact/blurb.html' %]
<!-- from cobrand: contact/blurb.html START -->
<h4>If you have questions about FixMyStreet</h4>
[% tprintf( loc("It's often quickest to <a href=\"%s\">check our FAQs</a> and see if the answer is there."), c.uri_for('/faq') ) %]
[% loc('Please do <strong>not</strong> report problems through this form; messages go to
the team behind this site, not a council. To report a problem,
please <a href="/">go to the front page</a> and follow the instructions.') %]
<h4>From a UK Local Council and interested in finding out about FixMyStreet Pro?</h4>
Please look at our <a href="/pro/">dedicated site</a>.
<h3>Send a message to FixMyStreet's technical support team</h3>
<!-- from cobrand: contact/blurb.html END -->
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE 'contact/who.html' %]
<!-- from cobrand: contact/who.html START -->
[% IF field_errors.dest %]
<div class="form-error">[% field_errors.dest %]</div>
[% END %]
[% IF problem %]
<div class="checkbox-group">
<input name="dest" id="dest_rules" type="radio" value="rules" class="required"[% IF dest AND dest == 'rules' %] checked[% END %]>
<label class="inline" for="dest_rules">This [% update ? 'update' : 'report' %] breaks the <a href="/about/house-rules">House Rules</a></label>
<div class="checkbox-group">
<input name="dest" id="dest_update" type="radio" value="update" class="required"[% IF dest AND dest == 'update' %] checked[% END %]>
<label class="inline" for="dest_update">This report has not been fixed</label>
<div class="checkbox-group">
<input name="dest" id="dest_council" type="radio" value="council" class="required"[% IF dest AND dest == 'council' %] checked[% END %]>
<label class="inline" for="dest_council">I want to make a new report about a street problem</label>
[% ELSE %]
<div class="checkbox-group">
<input name="dest" id="dest_help" type="radio" value="help" class="required"[% IF dest AND dest == 'help' %] checked[% END %]>
<label class="inline" for="dest_help">I need help using the site</label>
<div class="checkbox-group">
<input name="dest" id="dest_feedback" type="radio" value="feedback" class="required"[% IF dest AND dest == 'feedback' %] checked[% END %]>
<label class="inline" for="dest_feedback">I have feedback about the site</label>
<div class="checkbox-group">
<input name="dest" id="dest_from_council" type="radio" value="from_council" class="required"[% IF dest AND dest == 'from_council' %] checked[% END %]>
<label class="inline" for="dest_from_council">I am from a council and I have a question for the FixMyStreet team</label>
<div class="checkbox-group">
<input name="dest" id="dest_council" type="radio" value="council" class="required"[% IF dest AND dest == 'council' %] checked[% END %]>
<label class="inline" for="dest_council">I want to report a street problem</label>
<div class="checkbox-group">
<input name="dest" id="dest_update" type="radio" value="update"[% IF dest AND dest == 'update' %] checked[% END %]>
<label class="inline" for="dest_update">My street problem hasn't been fixed</label>
[% END %]
<div id="dest-error"[% IF NOT field_errors.not_for_us %] class="hidden"[% END %]>
<div class="form-error">You can only contact the team behind FixMyStreet using our contact form</div>
<div class="form-error__box form-error--council[% IF dest != 'council' %] hidden[% END %]">
We’re not the council: we just run this website which helps you report issues
to them.
<strong>If you want to report a street problem</strong>, return to the
FixMyStreet homepage and enter your postcode. You can then make a report.
We'll send it to your council, and publish it on FixMyStreet.
<strong>If your problem is not a street issue</strong>, or is <strong>not
suitable for publication on the site</strong>, then FixMyStreet isn't the
right place for it. You should find contact details on your council's own
<div class="form-error__box form-error--update[% IF dest != 'update' %] hidden[% END %]">
FixMyStreet is great for reporting problems, but we don't fix them - your
council oversees that.
<strong>If you'd like to chase your report</strong>, please reply directly
to any response - or auto-reply - that your council sent you. Check that
it has your council's email address on it so that it goes to the right place.
It's a good idea to include the URL [web address] of your original FixMyStreet
<strong>If you're not having any luck getting your community problems fixed</strong>,
you could try contacting your local councillor, using another useful mySociety site:
<a href=";utm_campaign=contact_workflow_links&amp;utm_medium=link&amp;utm_content=contact+not_fixed">WriteToThem</a>.
<!-- from cobrand: contact/who.html END -->
<label for="form_name">[% loc('Your name') %]</label>
[% IF %]
<div class="form-error">[% %]</div>
[% END %]
<input type="text" class="form-control required" name="name" id="form_name" value="[% form_name | html %]" size="30">
<label for="form_email">[% loc('Your email') %]</label>
[% IF field_errors.em %]
<div class="form-error">[% field_errors.em %]</div>
[% END %]
<input type="text" class="form-control required email" name="em" id="form_email" value="[% em | html %]" size="30">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="form_phone">[% loc('Your phone number') %]</label>
<span class="required-text required-text--optional">[% loc('optional') %]</span>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="" id="form_phone" value="" size="30">
<label for="form_subject">[% loc('Subject') %]</label>
[% IF field_errors.subject %]
<div class="form-error">[% field_errors.subject %]</div>
[% END %]
<input type="text" class="form-control required" name="subject" id="form_subject" value="[% subject | html %]" size="30">
<label for="form_message">[% loc('Message') %]</label>
[% IF field_errors.message %]
<div class="form-error">[% field_errors.message %]</div>
[% END %]
<textarea class="form-control required" name="message" id="form_message" rows="7" cols="50">[% message | html %]</textarea>
[% IF NOT problem AND NOT update %]
<p>[% loc('If you are contacting us about a specific report or update please include a link to the report in the message.') %]</p>
[% END %]
<input class="final-submit green-btn" type="submit" value="[% loc('Send') %]">
<!-- contact/form.html END -->
[% TRY %]
[% INCLUDE 'contact/_footer.html' %]
<!-- contact/_footer.html START -->
<!-- N/A - no such file contact/_footer.html -->
<!-- contact/_footer.html END -->
[% CATCH file %]
<h4>[% loc("Don't like forms?") %]</h4>
[% tprintf( loc("You can contact technical support on <a href='mailto:%s'>%s</a>"), contact_email, contact_email) %]
[% END %]
[% TRY %][% INCLUDE 'contact/address.html' %][% CATCH file %][% END %]
<!-- from cobrand: contact/address.html START -->
<p>FixMyStreet is a service provided by mySociety, which is a
registered charity, charity number 1076346.</p>
<p>If you wish to contact us by post, our address is
<address>mySociety, 483 Green Lanes, London, N13 4BS, UK.</address></p>
<!-- from cobrand: contact/address.html END -->
[% INCLUDE 'footer.html' pagefooter = 'yes' %]
<!-- footer.html START -->
[% IF pagefooter %]
<footer role="contentinfo">
[% INCLUDE 'front/footer-marketing.html' %]
<!-- front/footer-marketing.html START -->
<!-- N/A - this will not show because there is no value "pagefooter" -->
<!-- front/footer-marketing.html END -->
[% END %]
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[% INCLUDE 'common_footer_tags.html' %]
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[% IF NOT bodyclass.match('mappage') %]
[% TRY %][% PROCESS 'footer_extra.html' %][% CATCH file %][% END %]
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[% END %]
[% PROCESS 'common_scripts.html' %]
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USE date;
USE Math;
scripts = [];
start _ "/js/translation_strings." _ lang_code _ ".js?" _ / 3600 ),
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ELSIF bodyclass.match('offlinepage');
FOR script IN extra_js;
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IF c.user.has_body_permission_to('planned_reports');
IF bodyclass.match('mappage');
FOR script IN map_js.merge(c.cobrand.call_hook('map_js_extra'));
IF script.match('^/');
IF admin;
PROCESS 'footer_extra_js.html';
CATCH file;
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scripts_seen = {};
FOR script IN scripts;
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NEXT IF scripts_seen.${script.0};
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