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Created January 8, 2015 15:47
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Ikiwiki + httpauth + Apache + Kerberos
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /home/wiki/html
UserDir /home/wiki/html/users
<Location />
Require all granted
ErrorLog "|/usr/pkg/sbin/rotatelogs /u0/log/httpd/wiki-error 86400"
CustomLog "|/usr/pkg/sbin/rotatelogs /u0/log/httpd/wiki-access 86400" combined
# we let people read by http, but search/edit/etc. is https-only
RedirectPermanent \
RedirectPermanent \
<VirtualHost *:443>
SSLEngine on
DocumentRoot /home/wiki/html
UserDir /home/wiki/html/users
<Location />
Require all granted
# for cvsweb
Alias /icons/ /usr/pkg/share/httpd/icons/
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/wiki/cgi/
ScriptAlias /auth/ /home/wiki/auth/
<Location /auth/ikiwiki>
AuthType Kerberos
AuthName "ExampleCom Web Authentication"
KrbServiceName "HTTP/"
Krb5Keytab "/usr/pkg/etc/httpd/wiki.kt"
KrbLocalUserMapping on
Require valid-user
ErrorLog "|/usr/pkg/sbin/rotatelogs /u0/log/httpd/wiki-ssl-error 86400"
CustomLog "|/usr/pkg/sbin/rotatelogs /u0/log/httpd/wiki-ssl-access 86400" combined
# Setup file for ikiwiki.
# Passing this to ikiwiki --setup will make ikiwiki generate
# wrappers and build the wiki.
# Remember to re-run ikiwiki --setup any time you edit this file.
use IkiWiki::Setup::Standard {
# name of the wiki
wikiname => 'ExampleCom Wiki',
# contact email for wiki
adminemail => '',
# users who are wiki admins
adminuser => [qw(
# users who are banned from the wiki
banned_users => [],
# where the source of the wiki is located
srcdir => '/home/wiki/wikisrc',
# where to build the wiki
destdir => '/home/wiki/html',
# base url to the wiki
url => '',
# url to the ikiwiki.cgi
cgiurl => '',
cgiauthurl => '',
# filename of cgi wrapper to generate
cgi_wrapper => '/home/wiki/cgi/ikiwiki',
# mode for cgi_wrapper (can safely be made suid)
cgi_wrappermode => '06755',
# rcs backend to use
rcs => 'cvs',
# plugins to add to the default configuration
add_plugins => [qw{
# plugins to disable
disable_plugins => [qw{
# location of template files
#templatedir => '/home/wiki/wikitemplates',
# base wiki source location
underlaydir => '/usr/pkg/share/ikiwiki/basewiki',
# display verbose messages?
#verbose => 1,
# log to syslog?
#syslog => 1,
# create output files named page/index.html?
usedirs => 1,
# use '!'-prefixed preprocessor directives?
prefix_directives => 1,
# use page/index.mdwn source files
indexpages => 0,
# enable Discussion pages?
discussion => 1,
# only send cookies over SSL connections?
sslcookie => 0,
# extension to use for new pages
default_pageext => 'mdwn',
# extension to use for html files
htmlext => 'html',
# strftime format string to display date
timeformat => '%c',
# UTF-8 locale to use
#locale => 'en_US.UTF-8',
# put user pages below specified page
userdir => 'users',
# how many backlinks to show before hiding excess (0 to show all)
numbacklinks => 10,
# attempt to hardlink source files? (optimisation for large files)
hardlink => 0,
# force ikiwiki to use a particular umask
umask => 002,
# group for wrappers to run in
wrappergroup => 'example',
# extra library and plugin directory
libdir => '/home/wiki/perl',
# environment variables
ENV => {},
# regexp of source files to ignore
#exclude => '\\.wav$',
exclude => '\\.core$',
# specifies the characters that are allowed in source filenames
wiki_file_chars => '-[:alnum:]+/.:_',
# allow symlinks in the path leading to the srcdir (potentially insecure)
allow_symlinks_before_srcdir => 0,
# aggregate plugin
# enable aggregation to internal pages?
#aggregateinternal => 1,
# allow aggregation to be triggered via the web?
#aggregate_webtrigger => 0,
# anonok plugin
# PageSpec to limit which pages anonymous users can edit
#anonok_pagespec => '*/Discussion',
# attachment plugin
# enhanced PageSpec specifying what attachments are allowed
#allowed_attachments => 'virusfree() and mimetype(image/*) and maxsize(50kb)',
#allowed_attachments => 'mimetype(image/*) and maxsize(400kb)',
# virus checker program (reads STDIN, returns nonzero if virus found)
#virus_checker => 'clamdscan -',
# blogspam plugin
# PageSpec of pages to check for spam
blogspam_pagespec => 'postcomment(*)',
# options to send to blogspam server
#blogspam_options => 'blacklist=,blacklist=,max-links=10',
#blogspam_options => 'whitelist=',
# blogspam server XML-RPC url
#blogspam_server => '',
# bzr plugin
# bzr post-commit hook to generate
#bzr_wrapper => '',
# mode for bzr_wrapper (can safely be made suid)
#bzr_wrappermode => '06755',
# url to show file history, using loggerhead ([[file]] substituted)
#historyurl => '',
# url to view a diff, using loggerhead ([[file]] and [[r2]] substituted)
#diffurl => '[[r2]]#[[file]]-s',
# calendar plugin
# base of the archives hierarchy
#archivebase => 'archives',
# camelcase plugin
# list of words to not turn into links
#camelcase_ignore => [],
# comments plugin
# PageSpec of pages where comments are allowed
#comments_pagespec => 'blog/* and !*/Discussion',
comments_pagespec => '*',
# PageSpec of pages where posting new comments is not allowed
#comments_closed_pagespec => 'blog/controversial or blog/flamewar',
# Base name for comments, e.g. "comment_" for pages like "sandbox/comment_12"
#comments_pagename => '',
# Interpret directives in comments?
#comments_allowdirectives => 0,
# Allow anonymous commenters to set an author name?
#comments_allowauthor => 0,
# commit comments to the VCS
#comments_commit => 1,
# cvs plugin
# cvs repository location
cvsrepo => '/home/wiki/cvsroot',
# path inside repository where the wiki is located
cvspath => 'wikisrc',
# cvs post-commit hook to generate (triggered by CVSROOT/loginfo entry
cvs_wrapper => '/home/wiki/cvsroot/CVSROOT/post-commit',
# mode for cvs_wrapper (can safely be made suid)
cvs_wrappermode => '04755',
# cvsweb url to show file history ([[file]] substituted)
historyurl => '[[file]]',
# cvsweb url to show a diff ([[file]], [[r1]], and [[r2]] substituted)
diffurl => '[[file]].diff?r1=text&amp;tr1=[[r1]]&amp;r2=text&amp;tr2=[[r2]];f=h',
# darcs plugin
# wrapper to generate (set as master repo apply hook)
#darcs_wrapper => '/darcs/repo/_darcs/ikiwiki-wrapper',
# mode for darcs_wrapper (can safely be made suid)
#darcs_wrappermode => '06755',
# darcsweb url to show file history ([[file]] substituted)
#historyurl => ';a=filehistory;f=[[file]]',
# darcsweb url to show a diff ([[hash]] and [[file]] substituted)
#diffurl => ';a=filediff;h=[[hash]];f=[[file]]',
# git plugin
# git hook to generate
#git_wrapper => '/git/wiki.git/hooks/post-update',
# mode for git_wrapper (can safely be made suid)
#git_wrappermode => '06755',
# git pre-receive hook to generate
#git_test_receive_wrapper => '/git/wiki.git/hooks/pre-receive',
# unix users whose commits should be checked by the pre-receive hook
#untrusted_committers => [],
# gitweb url to show file history ([[file]] substituted)
#historyurl => ';a=history;f=[[file]]',
# gitweb url to show a diff ([[file]], [[sha1_to]], [[sha1_from]], [[sha1_commit]], and [[sha1_parent]] substituted)
#diffurl => ';a=blobdiff;f=[[file]];h=[[sha1_to]];hp=[[sha1_from]];hb=[[sha1_commit]];hpb=[[sha1_parent]]',
# where to pull and push changes (set to empty string to disable)
#gitorigin_branch => 'origin',
# branch that the wiki is stored in
#gitmaster_branch => 'master',
# highlight plugin
# types of source files to syntax highlight
#tohighlight => '.c .h .cpp .pl .py Makefile:make',
tohighlight => '.c .h .cpp .pl .py Makefile:make .diff:diff',
#filetypes_conf => '/usr/pkg/etc/highlight/filetypes.conf',
#langdefdir => '/usr/pkg/share/highlight/langDefs',
# htmlscrubber plugin
# PageSpec specifying pages not to scrub
#htmlscrubber_skip => '!*/Discussion',
# inline plugin
# enable rss feeds by default?
rss => 1,
# enable atom feeds by default?
atom => 1,
# allow rss feeds to be used?
#allowrss => 0,
# allow atom feeds to be used?
#allowatom => 0,
# urls to ping (using XML-RPC) on feed update
pingurl => [],
# listdirectives plugin
# directory in srcdir that contains directive descriptions
#directive_description_dir => 'ikiwiki/directive',
# lockedit plugin
# PageSpec controlling which pages are locked
#locked_pages => '!*/Discussion',
#httpauth_pagespec => "!(Discussion or */Discussion or users/*)",
# httpauth_pagespec => "!(Discussion or */Discussion)",
httpauth_pagespec => "!postcomment(*)",
# mdwn plugin
# enable multimarkdown features?
#multimarkdown => 0,
# mercurial plugin
# mercurial post-commit hook to generate
#mercurial_wrapper => '',
# mode for mercurial_wrapper (can safely be made suid)
#mercurial_wrappermode => '06755',
# url to hg serve'd repository, to show file history ([[file]] substituted)
#historyurl => '[[file]]',
# url to hg serve'd repository, to show diff ([[file]] and [[r2]] substituted)
#diffurl => 'http://localhost:8000/?fd=[[r2]];file=[[file]]',
# mirrorlist plugin
# list of mirrors
#mirrorlist => {},
# openid plugin
# an url where users can signup for an OpenID
#openidsignup => '',
# passwordauth plugin
# a password that must be entered when signing up for an account
#account_creation_password => 's3cr1t',
# cost of generating a password using Authen::Passphrase::BlowfishCrypt
#password_cost => 8,
# pinger plugin
# how many seconds to try pinging before timing out
#pinger_timeout => 15,
# prettydate plugin
# format to use to display date
#prettydateformat => '%X, %B %o, %Y',
# recentchanges plugin
# name of the recentchanges page
recentchangespage => 'recentchanges',
# number of changes to track
recentchangesnum => 100,
# repolist plugin
# URIs of repositories containing the wiki's source
#repositories => [qw{svn://}],
# search plugin
# path to the omega cgi program
omega_cgi => '/usr/pkg/libexec/cgi-bin/xapian-omega',
# svn plugin
# subversion repository location
#svnrepo => '/svn/wiki',
# path inside repository where the wiki is located
#svnpath => 'trunk',
# svn post-commit hook to generate
#svn_wrapper => '/svn/wikirepo/hooks/post-commit',
# mode for svn_wrapper (can safely be made suid)
#svn_wrappermode => '04755',
# viewvc url to show file history ([[file]] substituted)
#historyurl => '[[file]]',
# viewvc url to show a diff ([[file]], [[r1]], and [[r2]] substituted)
#diffurl => '[[file]]?root=wiki&amp;r1=[[r1]]&amp;r2=[[r2]]',
# tag plugin
# parent page tags are located under
#tagbase => 'tag',
# teximg plugin
# Should teximg use dvipng to render, or dvips and convert?
#teximg_dvipng => '',
# LaTeX prefix for teximg plugin
#teximg_prefix => '\\documentclass{article}
# LaTeX postfix for teximg plugin
#teximg_postfix => '\\end{document}',
# tla plugin
# tla post-commit hook to generate
#tla_wrapper => '',
# mode for tla_wrapper (can safely be made suid)
#tla_wrappermode => '06755',
# url to show file history ([[file]] substituted)
#historyurl => '',
# url to show a diff ([[file]] and [[rev]] substituted)
#diffurl => '',
# underlay plugin
# extra underlay directories to add
#add_underlays => '',
# websetup plugin
# list of plugins that cannot be enabled/disabled via the web interface
#websetup_force_plugins => [],
# show unsafe settings, read-only, in web interface?
#websetup_show_unsafe => 1,
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