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Created May 25, 2011 22:02
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My git aliases
st = status
ci = commit -v
cii = commit -v --interactive
cia = commit -v -a
addi = add --interactive
addchanged = add -u
br = branch
co = checkout
diffwords = diff --word-diff
rebranch = branch -f
svnpush = svn dcommit
svnpull = svn rebase
pick = cherry-pick -s
save = stash save
savepatch = stash save --patch
savescratch = stash save --keep-index
pop = stash pop
praise = blame -w
archeology = blame -w -C -n
whodoikill = blame -w -C -n
logfile = log --follow -C
plog = !git log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h%Creset %s %Cblue%d%Creset' --graph --all
who = shortlog -sen --
grep4d = !sh -c 'git log -p -S'$1' $2' -
# 2009-05-26 (merged-bed-bug) 6fe85ff regenerate rules Brad Bowman
logdate = log --format=format:'%ad %d %h %s %an%n' --date=short
brdate = !"sh -c 'for b in `git branch --no-merged` ; \
do git logdate -1 -r $b --; done'"
up = !git stash && git pull origin master && git stash apply
stag = tag -s
retag = tag -f
bookmark = tag -a
unstage = reset HEAD
redo = reset --soft HEAD^
clear = reset --hard HEAD
undo = reset --hard HEAD^
repull = pull --rebase
hist = log --all --graph --pretty='[%C(cyan)%h%Creset]%C(bold cyan)%d%Creset %s'
mergefeature = merge --no-ff
export = !sh -c 'git checkout-index --prefix=$1 -a' -
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rjbs commented May 26, 2011

-C HEAD is not redundant. --amend alone will bring up your editor to edit the last commit message; -C HEAD will re-use the last commit message without prompting to change

it's great for "oops, I made a typo in the code or forgot to add a file": git add missing.txt && git fx

(fx = fixup)

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yanick commented May 26, 2011

Mine are at Although there is nothing original in there -- it's all stolen from better, smarter peoples. (and yes, that means the examples given above will soon be assimilated as well :-) )

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built commented May 29, 2011

whodoikill is hilarious, even more so when archeology is the same thing.

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