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> library(forecast)
> train = read.csv("c.csv")
> T<-train[which(train$name == 'btc'), ]
> Train<-T[ with(T, order(ts)),]
> head(Train)
# name ts usd_value volume
# 1 btc 1.558271e+12 7912.8 23649292230
# 15 btc 1.558272e+12 7955.9 23741378790
# 29 btc 1.558272e+12 7940.0 23816540813
# 43 btc 1.558272e+12 7942.9 23891912844
sck /
Last active May 6, 2018 05:45
perceptual loss: VGG + mse
def perceptual_loss(x):
outs = [V(o.features) for o in sfs]
losses = [gram_mse_loss(o, s) for o,s in zip(outs, targ_styles)]
cnt_loss = F.mse_loss(outs[3], targ_vs[3])*1000000
style_loss = sum(losses)
return cnt_loss + style_loss
fn describe<F: FnOnce()>(message: &str, func: F) {
println!("{}", message);
fn it<F: FnOnce()>(message: &str, func: F) {
println!(" - {}", message);
sck / expand_ecss.js
Last active December 17, 2015 08:41
Minimal alternative over using sass/less
function expand_ecss(s) {
var properties_to_be_prefixed = ["transform",
"transform-origin", "tap-highlight-color", "ruby-position",
"transition-duration", "transition-property", "transition",
"animation-fill-mode", "align-self", "align-items", "box-sizing",
"appearance", "box-shadow", "animation"]
var specific = {
background: ["linear-gradient"],
display: ["flex"],
sck / scale_animation_and_transition_durations.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
Scale Animation And Transition Durations: Use to debug CSS animations
var debug = true
function scale_animation_and_transition_durations(factor) {
var cssRuleCode = document.all ? 'rules' : 'cssRules'
var ss = document.styleSheets
for (var i = 0, size = ss.length; i < size; i++) {
var r = ss[i][cssRuleCode]
for (var j = 0, s = r.length; j < s; j++) {
var rule = r[j]
var sel = rule.selectorText;
["animationDuration", "transitionDuration"].forEach(function(f) {
sck / gist:37aa4259701488a86abf
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
Patch Chromium binary on OS X to not use a quota for localstorage
cp Chromium\ Framework Chromium\ Framework.old
perl -0777pe 's/\x39\xc8\x76\x09\x3b\x7b\x28\x76\x04\x31\xc0\xeb\x64/\x66\x66\x66\x66\x2e\x0f\x1f\x84\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00/' Chromium\ Framework > Chromium
mv Chromium\ Chromium\ Framework
sck / boot.s
Created March 28, 2015 21:01
| boot.s
| boot.s is loaded at 0x7c00 by the bios-startup routines, and moves itself
| out of the way to address 0x90000, and jumps there.
| It then loads the system at 0x10000, using BIOS interrupts. Thereafter
| it disables all interrupts, moves the system down to 0x0000, changes
| to protected mode, and calls the start of system. System then must
| RE-initialize the protected mode in it's own tables, and enable
sck / sarcasm.rb
Last active December 22, 2015 18:39
Super awesome recreative assembler. Execute with ruby and pipe into nasm
$pushed = []
def push(*args) $pushed = args; {|r| "push #{r}" } end
def pop_pushed; $ {|r| "pop #{r}" } end
puts^\s*jmp\s*[^\n]*/, '%error "Dijkstra said: No!"').gsub(/=([^\n]*)/) {|c| (eval $1).join("\n ") }
section .text
global math
sck / wasfuntowritebutwouldntreallyuse.cpp
Created August 10, 2013 21:41
A little uneccessary function that detects PIC vs no-pic from looking at its own opcodes generated by the compiler. Will only work with some compilers.
constexpr uchar I_REX_B_41 = 0x41;
constexpr uchar I_REX_W_48 = 0x48;
constexpr uchar I_REX_WXB_4b = 0x4b;
constexpr uchar I_REX_WRXB_4f = 0x4f;
// INTEL: Opcodes
constexpr uchar I_PUSH_BP_55 = 0x55;
constexpr uchar I_LEA_8d = 0x8d;
constexpr uchar I_MOV_r8_rm8_8a = 0x8a;
constexpr uchar I_MOV_r64_r64_8b = 0x8b;
sck / gist:6187509
Created August 8, 2013 18:48
c&p progress estimation
// calculate time left if we're more than 10% done
NSString *timeString = nil;
float percentLeft = (float)([theCanvas eventCount]-[theCanvas currentPlaybackEvent])/(float)[theCanvas eventCount];
NSTimeInterval now = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
if( percentLeft < 0.9f && now-_lastTimeWeEstimated > 5.0 ) {
_lastTimeWeEstimated = now;
NSTimeInterval timeLeft = (now-_exportStartTime)*(percentLeft/(1.0f-percentLeft));
int hours = timeLeft/(60.0*60.0);
timeLeft -= (double)hours*60.0*60.0;
int mins = timeLeft/60.0;