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Created May 26, 2019 13:46
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> library(forecast)
> train = read.csv("c.csv")
> T<-train[which(train$name == 'btc'), ]
> Train<-T[ with(T, order(ts)),]
> head(Train)
# name ts usd_value volume
# 1 btc 1.558271e+12 7912.8 23649292230
# 15 btc 1.558272e+12 7955.9 23741378790
# 29 btc 1.558272e+12 7940.0 23816540813
# 43 btc 1.558272e+12 7942.9 23891912844
# 57 btc 1.558273e+12 7964.6 23914583777
# 71 btc 1.558273e+12 7947.0 23941990903
> holt(Train[,'usd_value'])
# Point Forecast Lo 80 Hi 80 Lo 95 Hi 95
# 1670 7942.866 7918.622 7967.110 7905.788 7979.943
# 1671 7942.887 7909.384 7976.390 7891.648 7994.126
# 1672 7942.908 7902.198 7983.618 7880.648 8005.169
# 1673 7942.930 7896.108 7989.751 7871.323 8014.536
# 1674 7942.951 7890.728 7995.174 7863.082 8022.819
# 1675 7942.972 7885.854 8000.090 7855.618 8030.326
# 1676 7942.993 7881.368 8004.619 7848.745 8037.241
# 1677 7943.014 7877.188 8008.841 7842.342 8043.687
# 1678 7943.036 7873.261 8012.811 7836.324 8049.747
# 1679 7943.057 7869.544 8016.570 7830.628 8055.485
> thetaf(Train[,'usd_value'])
# Point Forecast Lo 80 Hi 80 Lo 95 Hi 95
# 1670 7942.862 7918.661 7967.063 7905.850 7979.874
# 1671 7942.887 7909.402 7976.372 7891.677 7994.098
# 1672 7942.913 7902.209 7983.617 7880.662 8005.164
# 1673 7942.938 7896.116 7989.761 7871.329 8014.548
# 1674 7942.964 7890.734 7995.194 7863.086 8022.843
# 1675 7942.990 7885.862 8000.117 7855.621 8030.358
# 1676 7943.015 7881.378 8004.652 7848.750 8037.280
# 1677 7943.041 7877.203 8008.879 7842.350 8043.731
# 1678 7943.066 7873.279 8012.853 7836.336 8049.796
# 1679 7943.092 7869.568 8016.616 7830.647 8055.537
> forecast(Train[,'usd_value'])
# Point Forecast Lo 80 Hi 80 Lo 95 Hi 95
# 1670 7942.836 7918.636 7967.037 7905.825 7979.848
# 1671 7942.836 7909.358 7976.315 7891.636 7994.037
# 1672 7942.836 7902.144 7983.529 7880.602 8005.071
# 1673 7942.836 7896.028 7989.645 7871.250 8014.423
# 1674 7942.836 7890.624 7995.049 7862.985 8022.688
# 1675 7942.836 7885.729 7999.944 7855.499 8030.174
# 1676 7942.836 7881.222 8004.451 7848.605 8037.068
# 1677 7942.836 7877.023 8008.650 7842.183 8043.490
# 1678 7942.836 7873.076 8012.597 7836.147 8049.526
# 1679 7942.836 7869.340 8016.332 7830.434 8055.239
> auto.arima(Train[,'usd_value'])
# Series: Train[, "usd_value"]
# ARIMA(2,1,3)
# Coefficients:
# ar1 ar2 ma1 ma2 ma3
# -1.2890 -0.9429 1.2548 0.8634 -0.0667
# s.e. 0.0347 0.0314 0.0416 0.0519 0.0254
# sigma^2 estimated as 353: log likelihood=-7256.91
# AIC=14525.82 AICc=14525.87 BIC=14558.33
> fit = auto.arima(Train[,'usd_value'])
> forecast(fit)
# Point Forecast Lo 80 Hi 80 Lo 95 Hi 95
# 1670 7943.523 7919.446 7967.601 7906.700 7980.346
# 1671 7942.970 7909.496 7976.444 7891.776 7994.164
# 1672 7943.099 7902.820 7983.379 7881.498 8004.701
# 1673 7943.454 7897.233 7989.675 7872.766 8014.143
# 1674 7942.875 7891.190 7994.560 7863.830 8021.920
# 1675 7943.287 7887.002 7999.572 7857.207 8029.367
# 1676 7943.302 7882.522 8004.082 7850.346 8036.258
# 1677 7942.894 7877.946 8007.842 7843.564 8042.224
# 1678 7943.406 7874.724 8012.088 7838.366 8048.446
# 1679 7943.131 7870.669 8015.593 7832.310 8053.952
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