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about_us/block1_title: "Our mission"
about_us/block1_subtitle: "We are first global platform that helps candidates find jobs that are right for them"
about_us/block1_text_html: "<p>The problem we are solving, is the fact that many candidates are missing out on good job opportunities because they are unable to find them through current resources.</p><p>Our platform ensures that candidates never miss their next job opportunity by sending notifications every time a job matches their professional profile </p><p>Additionally, once a candidate has found a job opportunity they are interested in they can discover which of their friends are working or have worked at that company. It is easy to gain access to inside information about the recruitment process and even get referrals that help them stand out.</p>"
about_us/block2_title: "Jobandtalent history"
about_us/block2_subtitle: "Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia."
about_us/block2_text_html: "<p>jobandtalent was founded in
block1_title: "Our mission"
block1_subtitle: "We are first global platform that helps candidates find jobs that are right for them"
block1_text_html: "<p>The problem we are solving, is the fact that many candidates are missing out on good job opportunities because they are unable to find them through current resources.</p><p>Our platform ensures that candidates never miss their next job opportunity by sending notifications every time a job matches their professional profile </p><p>Additionally, once a candidate has found a job opportunity they are interested in they can discover which of their friends are working or have worked at that company. It is easy to gain access to inside information about the recruitment process and even get referrals that help them stand out.</p>"
block2_title: "Jobandtalent history"
block2_subtitle: "Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia."
block2_text_html: "<p>jobandtalent was founded in 2009 by a group of young Spanish
# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
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remember_me: "Remember me"