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seanvikoren / pingloop.bat
Last active October 11, 2018 23:24
Creates a log file of ping activity with a settable delay between pings.
@echo off
set fileName=pinglog.txt
set waitSeconds=420
echo. | wtee -a %fileName%
echo ====================================================== | wtee -a %fileName%
echo Starting Ping Loop; Logging to %fileName% | wtee -a %fileName%
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Poly
class A { public void Test() { Console.Write("A:: "); } }
class B : A { }
class C : B { }
import 'dart:math';
class RandomDigits {
static const MaxNumericDigits = 17;
static final _random = Random();
static int getInteger(int digitCount) {
if (digitCount > MaxNumericDigits || digitCount < 1) throw new RangeError.range(0, 1, MaxNumericDigits, "Digit Count");
var digit = _random.nextInt(9) + 1; // first digit must not be a zero
int n = digit;
import 'dart:math';
var Knave = false;
var Knight = true;
var knaveCount = 0;
var r = Random();
List<bool> islanderList = List<bool>();
bool lie(bool i) { return !i; }
import 'dart:math';
var Knave = false;
var Knight = true;
bool lie(bool i) { return !i; }
String islanderToString(bool i) { return i == Knight ? "Knight" : "Knave"; }
String whisperToString(bool w) { return w ? "Yes" : "No"; }
String t(bool n) { return n ? "tells the truth" : "lies"; }
// ==UserScript==
// @name OGameInterfaceFix
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Monkey with interface.
// @author You
// @match*
// @require
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// ==UserScript==
// @name NewTabMostVisitedRemoval
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description remove elements from newtab
// @author Sean Vikoren
// @match https://*/*
// @run-at document-end
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
seanvikoren / Test.cfm
Created July 3, 2012 21:00
ColdFusion Test Files
<!--- Hello.cfm =====================================--->
<title>Invoking Component Methods</title>
<h1>Invoking Component Methods</h1>
<!-- ====================================================================================== -->
<h2>Example 1: Transient Instantiation</h2>